"why so grumpy capsicle?"

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Everyone in the tower on a chilly spring night, laughing together. " Stas what did I say about adding magnets to my suit?" asked an overly annoyed Tony. Smirking it off, Anastasia replied "oh uhh um oops".

"Oh c'mon Tony cool it. I for one think it's pretty funny. The colorful letter magnets make the red in your suit.. pop" adds Thor.

With emphasis on the word "i'm", Anastasia rejoined the conversation. "HA SEE!! Thor thinks I'm funny"

With footsteps and irritated sighs that can be heard a mile away, in walks Steve shaking his head.

"Well that only makes you and Thor that think you're sense of humor is satisfactory. I think it's childish and irresponsible"

"Why so grumpy capsicle? Not a fan of fun? Did they not have that back in the forties?" She says, with a forced and impolite pout at the end. Looking around trying to analyze everyone's emotions, Steve asks expecting an agreement in unison with him.

" Who here thinks that Anastasia could lay it back with her childish behaviors and act mature like the rest of us"

Silence overcame the whole room. So mute that you could hear the wires buzzing through the walls. The sound of someone clearing their voice breaks the awkward stillness of the room.

"I- I all due respect mister Cap but I don't think Stas is childish. I just think that maybe your sense of humor and the way you approach a situation may not be the same as hers, Cap"

Without having to turn around to see who it was that stuck by her, she knew just by the pitch in his voice.

Her best friend, Peter. Peter and Stas met through Tony on some mini mission that Fury assigned about two years ago.

Since then, the two are inseparable even though the age difference is a few years. However, Stas being 20 and Peter being 17 hasn't gotten in the way of their perfect friendship. Practically siblings.

"Can someone else answer other than someone with a biased opinion?" Steve is longing for someone to side with him, but for the first time ever, he seemed to be in the wrong.

"I uh- I also would like to chip in and say Stas is hilarious. Cap, read the room. Just deal with how you're the odd man out in with this one and let it go." Ah bruce, the only true father figure in Stas' life.

With a flustered face, and heavy body language, Steve storms out.

Watching him walk out, Stas couldn't help but wonder, why did Steve hate her so much?

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