we're gonna be alright

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They start the journey back home holding hands. 15 minutes into their walk, Peter notices how quiet Stas is on the way home admiring the beautiful city and sunset surrounding them.

Before he gets to ask her if she's alright she cuts him off "Peter, if I somehow don't come back from this mission I need y" She gets cut off this time.

He stops walking and looks at her with the sunset glowing across her wavy brunette hair and her brown eyes like honey in the lighting.

"Hold up hold up hold up what do you mean IF you don't come back? You're coming back. Why wouldn't you?" He become stressed and frustrated.

She looked at him with sorrow in her eyes. She takes both his hands into his. " Can you please let me finish."
"No Anastasia no." Woah. Whole name moment. ouch. He only ever does that when he's mad which is uncommon and occasional.

"Peter.." "Anastasia NO." He yelled.

He's never done that before. She slowly pulls away her hands from his. "Stas wait wait hold on" "Um I- I I'm gonna walk back.. by myself."

"Stas.. please I'm sorry" She starts to back away and he starts to walk towards her to comfort her. "No, Peter please just- take a taxi, call an uber, or walk home alone..please"

After the longest 5 minutes of walking home alone, thinking, and tearing up, she sees the big "A" lit up on the tower from two blocks away.

Thank god She thought. How is she supposed to leave for two weeks in 11 hours with a rough patch in her friendship with Peter?

She takes the elevator up to the floor with all the bedrooms. As it goes up, she realizes mascara is running down her face and her feet are absolutely killing her because of her heels.

She takes off her platforms and as the elevator doors open up she sees an empty living room. No one seemed to be home.

Where was everyone?

It's better this way she thought. There was nothing more she hated than people seeing her cry.

She goes down the hall tearing up with heels in each hand, trying to get to her room.

"Anastasia? Was that you who just walked by?" She quickly wiped away any running tears and mascara and turned to the room that had a dim light, open door and voice calling her name out of it.

"Anastasia?" She starts to walk to the room and limply stands in the door way. He sat at his desk "Hi Capsicle. Whatcha reading?"

 He took a long puzzled gaze at her puffy red eyes and heels in her hand

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He took a long puzzled gaze at her puffy red eyes and heels in her hand. He looks back at the file in his hand to answer her question.

"Uh just reading up on the mission details and warrants on boskow and the two brothers."

"oh" says Stas nodding her head. She plops onto his bed sitting across from his desk.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yea Steve what's up?"

"I couldn't help but notice you didn't like hearing Dreykov's name when Tony mentioned it, why is that?" She just stared at her hands looking down starting to fidget with her fingers.

"Anastasia? Actually it's okay you don't have to answer" "No wait I uh it's just a past situation thing. He kinda ya know.. messed me up for a bit."

"Messed you up a bit? What's that supposed to mean? I knew Nat had a history with Dreykov, but you? I didn't know you did too." "Yea." "Wait, Anastasia were you.. were you ever taken into the Red Room?"

A painful deep breath left her nose as she shut her eyes tightly. "Oh Anastasia. I'm so sorry I had no idea. We definitely don't have to get into this now or ever. I get if you don't trust me like that." He starts to think back to what she said that morning to Tony.

How am I supposed to trust him with my life on a mission. Steve gets up and sits next to Stas. "Let me tell you something" She looks up at him. "Even though we've had rough times and still do, I promise you okay I promise you that you can trust me with your life. There is nothing, not a single thing, I'd let happen to you."

She wearily smiles and hugs him. 30 seconds go by and she's still hugging him. "Alright Rogers, what time is it? I should go get some rest." He looks at the time on his clock on his nightstand. It read 8:29 pm.

"It's still early, wanna go over some more mission details with me? The more we know and remember, the better." Steve opens the file revealing a photo of Martin Boskow. How could she forget that face? One of the faces she spent years fearing. The face that hurt her more than anyone could.

Steve noticed her staggered breathing. "Hey hey we're gonna be alright..you're gonna be alright." They stare at each other for a few seconds. Stas could see he really meant the things he was saying. Maybe he didn't hate her as much as she thought.

Maybe it's just for this mission then when they return he's gonna be bitter old Steve again? She could help but allow these thoughts to overwhelm her. "Steve I think I'm just gonna go get ready for bed." "Are you sure Anastasia?"

Why is it that he's the only one who ever calls her by her whole first name? Everyone calls her Stas, but Steve..

"Yea" She said with a forced friendly smile. "Goodnight Capsicle." She adds while walking out his room. "Goodnight Anastasia"

He continues to read the case file. Halfway in her journey to her bedroom she turns around remembering that there was no shot Peter was gonna wake her up like he usually does before a mission. Not with everything that happened tonight.

She turns her feet and walks back to Steve's room. "Hey uh Rogers." He looks up, rattled.

He gets up and stands in the doorway and leans her head on the side.

"Do you think you could wake me up when you wake up? Peter usually does it for me every time we have a joint mission or I have a mission that he isn't on. If it's too much I could ask Wanda or som-" He cuts her off. "Yep, you got it. I'm sure you know the jet leaves to Omsk at 6:15 latest. How much time do you think you'll need?" "Maybe 45 mins?" "alright so i'll wake you up at 5:25? Sound good?" "Perfect".

She walks to her room shutting the door. She strips herself of her dinner outfit and placed her heels back on the shelf in her closet.

Walking to her bathroom in her room she puts her clothes in her hamper and advances over to her sink to wash her face and brush her teeth. She puts on an oversized tee shirt and no shorts.

What's the point of wearing shorts if no one else shares the room with her? See? Exactly. No point.

Turning off her lamp on her nightstand she can't help but think about this mission praying that her own personal side to it won't mess it up.

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