yes!! definitely not.

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The two sleeping individuals were woken up when Peter and Sam entered the room. Sam and Peter quietly took cute photos of them sleeping.

Stas had her head placed on Steve's chest and his arm around her with his head leaning on top of hers.

It was silent in the recovery room since the Cars movie had ended.

The only sounds floating within the white room were the monitors and Sam's and Peters's whispers and giggling.

They soon realized they weren't as quiet as they hoped when they saw Steve and Stas slowly waking up with furrowed eyebrows and perplexed expressions.

"If your goal was to wake us up, congratulations you did it." Said Steve with his raspy voice. Stas lifting her head off his chest laughed while rubbing her eyes to adjust them to the lights.

"Oops." Sam and Peter looked at one another trying to hold their laughs but failed. Stas caught on to the phones in their hands and tilted her head.

"How come you both have the camera app open on your phones?" She asked, slowly piecing together the events that occurred when they were sound asleep.

"Uh. Um" They replied in unison. "Did you take pictures of us?" Steve asked. "In our defense you guys looked adorable." Peter replied.

Steve and Stas looked at each other, smiled and laughed. They were interrupted when Bruce and Tony walked in behind Peter and Sam.

"Good morning kiddos!" Tony exclaimed finding his way in between the two people in front of him to go to his sister.

"Morning? It's morning?" Stas stated slowly sitting up in the bed as gentle as she could. "Yea? You and Cap here have been sound asleep. It's 10 am."

"10 am? How did we sleep in so long?" Steve asked.

"You guys were tired and based on the week you've had, we decided to let you rest. You guys needed it." Stated Bruce.

"Stas, I was speaking to Bruce and based on your charts, you can have one more rest day and then you get to have physical training. Obviously if that's okay with you."

"Okay with me?" She thought about how if she started PT early, chances were extremely high that she could do the mission with Steve.

"Yes!!" "No. Definitely not." Her and Steve relied to Tony at the same exact time. Tony looked lost as his eyes scanned the two people laying in the bed in front of him.

"I'm so glad to hear that Stassie." He looks over at Steve. "What's makes you say no?"

"She knows why." "Why don't you let the rest of us in on that then, Cap. Your opinion matters to me since you're the one who's spent the most time with her recently."

He didn't want to rat Stas out to her brother because he knew that a lecture would soon follow out Tony's mouth to Stas.

Steve looks over at Stas who was already looking at him curious as to how he would respond.

"I just don't think she's ready. She's slightly still in pain. I don't want her to strain herself and make healing worse or prolonged."

"Stas, what do you think." Annoyed at Steve's response she moved her glare from him to her brother.

" I think people who aren't in my position shouldn't be answering for me. I say i'm ready."

"Well. There we go. You can start tomorrow Stassie. Pepper is going to bring you two some breakfast in a few." He said before kissing her head and walking out.

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