"And it fell."

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The next morning, Anastasia woke up in an empty bed and house. She stretched widely remembering that Steve some of the others were going to be out all day helping Nat and Bruce with their things to move in.

Once she was done freshening up in the bathroom, she went downstairs in just Steve's oversized tee shirt that went down past her thighs.

She didn't wear any shorts under because she knew she was home alone.. or at least thought she was.

"Good morning, sunshine." Bucky said watching her walk down the stairs from the sofa in the living room.

She jumped back and gasped. "You scared the shit out of me."

He laughed as he took another bite of his pancakes on his plate while looking back at the TV.

"How come you're here and not with everyone else today?" She said wandering off to the kitchen.

"Because I offered to stay back with you in case you didn't feel well again or something." He said loud enough so she could hear him in the kitchen down the hall.

"Did you make chocolate chip pancakes?" She shouted as she looked at the stove top.

"Maybe" He shouted back.

She smiled to herself, put some on a plate then walked back to the living room.

She took a seat next to him and began eating. "Whatcha watching?" She asked.

"Nothing, was just flipping through the channels. Want to watch Cars?" He offered.

A grin appeared on her face. "Yes!" Stas exclaimed, taking the remote and putting the movie on.

"Geez, think about it first." He laughed at how fast her reaction was.

They sat there and got into an hour of the movie until he turned to ask her a question.

"Soo, do you remember any of your drunk conversations from two nights ago?" Bucky chuckled wondering if she had remembered what she said to him.

Without taking her eyes off the movie she replied. "Nope. Not a thing, I don't even remember how I got to bed."

"Alrighty." He said biting the inside of his cheek and turning back to the movie.

She paused it and turned to him. "Why? Is there something I should remember?" She asked curiously.

"Nope. Not a thing." He jokingly mocked.

She smirked as she noticed what he was doing. "Oh yes there is. Tell me, c'mon. Did I say something bad?"

"No, just play the movie." He said gesturing to the screen.

"Not until you tell me what I said." She pushed. "C'mon, Stasia, just play the movie." He laughed.

"Noo. Just tell me or else."

He turned back to her smirking and creased his eyebrows. "Or else?" Really? That's all you got?" He cackled.

"You got more?" She laughed.

He started to tickle her and somehow she ended up positioned on his lap almost straddling him. Bucky stopped tickling her once he realized how close her face was to his while she was giggling. Then he began to feel her cold thighs on his legs since he'd been wearing work out shorts.

"Stasia.. are you wearing shorts?" He whispered not moving his face away from hers.

Her face dropped and she covered it with her hands.

"I'm gonna take that as a no?" He said softly. Anastasia shook her head with her face still covered.

Bucky took his hands, placed them on her wrists to pull her hands gently away from her face.

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