"well that was .. interesting"

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"Alright spider boy, you ready?" They train for about 45 minutes before hearing the creaky door open up from the other side of the training room.

It revealed Steve. "Hey, let me get a shot at her."

"What?" said Stas and Peter puzzled as they both tilt their head.

"C'mon Anastasia," he says jiggling onto the mat.

"Chop chop" He smugly added making fun of their little dispute early that morning. Smirking, she jump on into the mat Steve was on.

"Bring it on old man" He takes a good look at her as she is about to kick her leg up. He takes hold of it and knocks her onto her back.

Before she lands she swings his right arm down and he falls on top of her. With their faces inches away from each other he looks at her cutely.

This completely throws her off her game and falls into his gaze just looking at him. Taking him all in. "I see you're distracted"he notices.

To distract him she quickly looks under him down by his legs so she knows how to swing herself over.

Stassie then does it and is now sitting on top of him. He stares at her physique.

"Now look at who's distracted." He gets annoyed at the fact that she notice that he was taking her all in as well.

Steve grabs hold of her wrists spinning her backside onto the mat, and he stands up.

She goes to sit up and he placed his foot onto her lower chest. "mm mm no stay there" he retorted with an attitude and his eyebrows furrowed.

She looks at him with confusion out of where this attitude came from. He released his foot and walks back to the other side of the training room and slams the door.

Peter gets down from his pull ups on the bar and states "well that was.." "interesting" Stas had finished his sentence for him.

They look through the window of the door and see him going at it with the punching bag.

"Probably fighting out some hatred he has against me" She walks over to her phone and water bottle

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"Probably fighting out some hatred he has against me" She walks over to her phone and water bottle. After taking a sip to rehydrate, she checks the time. 2:50 pm.

"Peter, wanna go grab a super late lunch with me?"

"Never thought you'd ask. I'm STARVING." "You're starving? I literally just saw you eating an italian combo sandwich right before training. Dude. You're a bottomless pit."

Both laughing they leave and walk out the room. They each go to their rooms, shower and get dressed.

Stas wears a light pink laced bodysuit with black jeans and nude platforms.

She does light makeup, her usual, mascara, concealer under the eyes and lip gloss. It makes her feel her best self. She grabs her black wristlet and texts Peter who was still getting ready to meet her in the tower lobby.
texts: (the way their name is is how they have each other in their phone :) )

stassie♠️- Peter! I'm ready! Meet me in the lobby whenever you're done!
spidey boy🕷- You got it Stas :)
stassie♠️- Tell my brother we're heading out for a bit. I don't need him scavenging around for me haha.
spidey boy🕷- Got it. I'll tell Mr.Stark. Wait let's text in the groupchat with Wanda. I just ran into her and she wants to come.
stassie♠️- kk

stassie♠️: Hey Wanda! I heard you're coming too! So exciting:)
wanda💥:Yes! Only if that's okay.
spidey boy🕷: Of course. I'm going down to the lobby now Stas. Wanda, meet us when you're done getting ready.
wanda💥: Alright.

The sound of an elevator opening up made Stas look away from her phone. "Stas what're you doing down here looking all fancy shmancy" "Scott! Haha. I'm going out for" She looks at the time. 4:15 pm. 

She continues "For what seems to be now an early dinner with Wanda and Peter."

"Where are you going Scott?" "Ah going to go take Cassie to one of those mini golf places around here"

"Aw well tell her aunt Stas sends her love" The elevator opened again revealing Peter.

"Of course Stas, well you kiddos have fun" She hugged Scott goodbye before he advanced to the door leading out of the tower.

"Aw! Peter! You look so good! My best friend is so adorable!" They start chuckling as they hear heels coming down the stairs.

Stas tilts her head to see around the wall. "Wanda! You took the stairs?!? Are you NUTS! and in heels! I- girl you are out of your mind! But WOW you look great in that scarlett fitted skirt!"

"Oh god you girls have ear piercing voices when you're excited" added Peter. "Soo where are we going? Night in the city then some dinner?"

"I love that idea!" said Stas. Two hours go by of laughing, talking and catching up.

They approach the nice dinner restaurant and are being seated.

Peter looks down the aisles of tables and recognizes Thor's voice. Peter motions to Stas so she can see that Thor is here with Quill.

She walks over to their table and offers them to sit with her and Peter. They immediately agree to it and walk over with her.

They sat in the booth with the three of them. During the meal they catch up and talking about whatever comes to their mind.

Quill changes and the topic and asks "Stas how are feeling about this mission with your uh best friend."

"So excited!" The sarcasm just over took her sentence.

"Oh I can tell" added Thor as he chugs his drink. "ANOTHER" he says as he slams the glass beer mug onto the floor.

"Thor! They're gonna kick us out" Wanda says while snickering.

Stas joins in on the laughter as well as she picks up her phone to check the time. 7:54 pm.

"Well guys I hate to be a party pooper but I should head back and start getting situated. The jet leaves the tower at 6:15 in the morning. Please feel free to stay here and enjoy the night though!" Peter starts shuffling in his seat to get out.

"Peter-what're yo" 

"Stop c'mon you really thought I was gonna let my best friend walk alone back home? Never."

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