Halloween pt.1

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Steve flew through the air in the jet, safely landing back on the landing spot at the compound. He walked to the cot, and massaged Stas awake.

"Hey miss thing, we're home." Steve cooed, smiling at that face he never figured would be his again.

"Hm?" Stas spoke groggily, rubbing her eyelids.

"We're home. I'll carry you, let's get you something in that stomach of yours."

Stas put her hands around his torso before he could carry her. "Hey, I can't hold you like this." He laughed.

"Just, stay here for a second." She demanded quietly, taking in his body, scent and voice that echoed in the jet.

"Okay." He rubbed her lower back. "Okay."

Steve carried her in after a few minutes and the group was so excited to be in her presence again.

"Stas!!" Yelena and Nat exclaimed, getting up from the couches. "Wait, Stassie's here?!" Scott, Thor and Quill shouted from upstairs in their rooms, sprinting and jumping from the stairs.

"Hi guys." She giggled. Two familiar hands covered her eyes from behind, and without having to guess, she immediately knew it was Peter.

"Hey, Parker." She smiled, turning around so he could hug her so hard, her feet dangled in the air.

"Stas?" Tony asked from the theater room doorway. She could tell he'd been asleep just by the way his figure appeared.

"Hi, Tony." She couldn't put a finger on whether he was happy or angry that she was home.

"What're you waiting for? Come 'ere." He put out his arms.

She jogged over to him and hugged him. They had been strained lately and this embrace was exactly what they longed for.

"STASSIE??" Wanda screamed excitedly.

"WANDA!!" Anastasia paid back the fire within Wanda.

"You're home!!!" Wanda raced over to her, threw her arms around her, and placed her head in the crook of Stassie's neck. "I've missed you." Wanda muttered.

Wanda pulled away and slapped Anastasia's arm.

"What the hell? What's that for?" Stas laughed.

"For leaving without saying bye to me." Wanda spoke with a straight face.

"Do you forgive me?" Stas sung in a child-like voice, scrunching her nose.

"Of course!" Wanda wrapped her into her body again.

"I love all of this love but I'm hungry." She announced to everyone, dropping her sights on Steve who was smiling massively, watching his girlfriend greet everyone.

"Steve?" She asked cheekily.

"Oh yes yes uh I'll go make you something." He was snapped out of his happy thoughts in the world of his brain.

"I'm exhausted." She told the others. "I'm gonna stay upstairs for tonight but tomorrow let's all do something together, alright? Sound like a plan?"

They all cheered and said goodbye to her.

Stas entered her room that she shared with Steve and she was right where she desired.

She noticed that along the walls, were some new picture frames and within them were little memories that belonged to her and Steve.

"He put those up when you first left. On that first night, he was stressed, Stas. He was breaking right before us and we couldn't do a single thing about it. He went through his laptop and printed out a whole bunch of his favorites of you guys and put them up."

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