We're okay

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Stas walked into the room towards their bed where she found a photo book with a pink balloon on a string tied to it.

"What is this?" She asked, grinning slightly.

It was light purple, her mother's favorite color.

Steve followed her as she walked slowly, finally meeting the cover of the book with her fingertips.

"That, my love, is - was one of your Christmas gifts I already had ready for you. Open it up." Steve urged her, smiling and holding her waist with his hand.

Her fingers skimmed the cover and flipped it opened. Inside were pictures from the moment she was born up until her final days with her mother.

All amazing memories and pictures that lied around in cameras that Tony had in a box.

Stas was taken back to so many memories of laughter, playfulness, hugs and love with the woman who taught her how to be the lady she was today.

Tears fell onto the plastic cover on the photos as she scanned her eyes through the pages, one by one.

When Stassie was done, she turned to Steve, already in his arms because of how he held her waist.

"This is the best gift I've ever gotten." She wrapped her arms around his secure body. Her head was right above his heart where she could hear the paced thumbing under her ear.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She sniffled.

Stas was so close to his chest and on her tip toes. Steve could smell that usual vanilla and strawberry scent from her hair.

"There's no need to thank me. I figured now was a better time to give it to you, seemed right. I promise there's more gifts that I'm getting you for Christmas." He assured, rubbing circles with his gentle fist in the center of her back. His chin rests on the top of her deep brown hair.

She looked up at him, meeting his blue dazzling and welcoming eyes. "You don't have to gift me anything. You are all I need."

He slowly beamed, removing a strand of her primly smooth hair that was stuck to her crimson cheek by a tear.

Steve grabbed her face affectionately into both of his delicate hands and settled his lips onto hers. He'd do just about anything to remove her sorrow.

When Steve pulled away he looked at her and smirked. "Wanna hear something that'll cheer you up?"

She nodded.

"There's only 26 days until Christmas and 33 days until your birthday."

"Look at you with your little countdowns, Rogers. I've raised you right." She giggled.

"Be honest, are you angry with me? I get it if you are." Steve sighed as licking his lip quickly.

She took a moment to wonder about that question herself.

"No. No, I'm not."

"Sooo.. you'll tell Peter you'll sleep in his room tomorrow? I want you with me tonight." Steve smiled lovingly.

Stassie couldn't say no to that face. "Fine."

Just before they could get ready for bed, Sam knocked on their door.

"Research is done. Snow White down there did a whole lot of talking."

Stassie looked up at Steve with a perplexed face. Steve seemed angry yet so calm. How was it that he was able to do that?

"You guys wanna come down?" Sam insisted. Stas could tell there was something he wanted them to know but find out themselves.

"We'll be down in just a sec, okay?" Stas spoke softly. "We're gonna get some rest." Steve had replied at the same time.

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