Who is the fairest of them all?

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The next day arrived with sunlight that penetrated through Anastasia's eyelids.

She looked around and smiled as she reminisced last nights events through her mind.

Stassie got up and found herself in one of Bucky's oversized shirts and panties underneath. Her hair was in a messy bun on her head and her face was sun kissed from the day before.

She found Bucky sitting out on the balcony, legs out and crossed as his heels relaxed on the top of the railing.

"There she is. Good morning, sunshine." He smiled, holding out his arm so he could spin her into his lap.

"Hi, Buck." She grinned as she fell into his legs. She leaned her head next to his on his shoulder.

"How are you today?" Bucky asked softly, rubbing her thighs.

"Pretty good, I can actually walk today." She laughed.

"Oh can you now? I noticed you struggled a little last night." He joked.

"Oh hush." She she playfully shut his mouth with her small hand.

Bucky laughed as he drew little scwiggles on her arm.

They sat in silence for a little until he cleared his throat to speak.

"Um. Steve called earlier while you were asleep."

She fixed her posture and widened her eyes. "Did you answer?"

"I did." He exhaled, looking directly into her sparkling eyes.

"And? What'd he say?" She seemed so eager.

"He wanted to make sure you were okay. Steve said you didn't respond to some text, so he got worried. He uh he also said there's a mission waiting back home for you, Tony cleared you."

"Oh." Any excitement or adrenaline that roamed through her, died down.

"That's it? I thought you'd be more excited knowing you can go on a mission." Bucky creased his eyebrows.

"I am." Stassie put on a fake smile as if Bucky wouldn't see right through it.

"Uh huh." He shrugged it off.

She didn't say anything else, just sunk into his body. While he was quiet, she could feel him thinking. The silence was too loud.

"What're you thinking about?" "I have a question."

They said at the same time.

She giggled. "Okay, go ahead."

"If Steve asked you to marry him right now, what would you say?"

Stassie stopped breathing for a second. "Huh?"

"C'mon, Stasia. Just answer. I'm willing to fight for whatever we have, I just need to know what obstacles I'm going to face, ya know?" He addressed. Bucky rubbed his forehead harshly in frustration with a hint of calmness.

She understood him but she didn't know the answer to his question. She wanted to say no but Anastasia felt as if she'd be lying.

Steve was her love, her first love that is. He still is.

No sex with anyone else could change that.

"I um I don't know.." She wandered off quietly, looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. "I'm sorry."

He sighed, and she watched his abdomen and chest go up.. then down.

"Don't be sorry. It's just- just something that we'll deal with I suppose. It's all gonna be fine."

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