Hi, I'm Anastasia

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*🌶 warning!!*

The next few days were hard. Anastasia only left her room when it was time to eat or someone needed her for something.

Bruce would come check up on her now and then. He knew she missed Steve. He knew she was worried.

Peter rarely left her side.

Wanda and Nat were there when she needed a laugh or advice on whatever she was online shopping for.

Tony was confused. Why was it that his friend leaves and his sister was on the verge of falling apart?

Loki, Quill, Scott and Thor were there for her as well. They offered to take her out for a nice dinner whenever she felt up to it.

Anastasia appreciated everyone's support whether it was hands on or from a distance. That night she slept in Steve's room, just to get a sense of him again. It had been six days and not a word from Carter, Fury or Steve. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

The group or certain people within the group had gone on missions before where it could be weeks without contact. That didn't make the uneasy feeling feel any less uneasy.

The next night, night 7 without Steve, she decided to go to a bar with Loki, Nat and Thor. She needed to get out there again.

She put on a white lace corset top with a leather jacket on top. She wore leather tight pants with black heels. She put her hair up in a tight pony tail. Before leaving her bathroom, she applied deep red lipstick and mascara. She was ready.

"Nat!! You ready to go?" She shouted from the hallway. "Oh my. You look stunning." Loki said walking up to her.

"Thank you." She grinned "Yes! Give me two seconds!" Nat shouted back. "Let's wait for her and Thor in the lobby." Loki suggested as he grabbed her hand and escorted her to the elevator.

The four of them entered the bar in their best outfits and mindsets, ready for a fun night of drinking and karaoke. Ten songs and five tequila sunrises later, Nat received a call on her phone. She walked outside where the noise didn't exist to take the call.

Thor and Stas continued to have a fun time while Loki was ordering more drinks. Nat walks back in moments later with a slight smile. Almost in shock. "What's up Nat! Drink some more with usssss" Stas slurred. "Steve is back."

The sentence sobered Anastasia up quickly. "Actually?" She asked as the biggest grin appeared on her warm red cheeks from the alcohol. "Yea" She chuckled.

"Oh that's great!! He's back! My buddy!" Thor yelled. "Let's go to the tower then, darling." Loki stated taking her hand so they could run to the tower.

About ten minutes later from a mix of jogging and walking, they arrived at the tower. Her heart raced so fast she could practically hear it herself. She couldn't be more excited to see Steve. They entered the elevator frantically.

Stas was the first one to run off the elevator and shouted "Steve!!". Once he heard her voice coming from the main area "Stas!?" She slipped off her heels and threw her purse on the floor as she continued to run. Her eyes finally landed on his figure.

He was bruised and had cuts on his face. "Oh my god." Her hand met her own mouth.

"Im okay, Stassie." He reassured. She ran over to him and flung herself onto him. He caught her as she wrapped her legs and arms around him. His head nuzzled into her neck. "I made it home like I promised."

She took a deep breath in of air and his natural scent. Stas ruffled his messy dirty blonde hair in between her fingers.

"I'm so happy you're home." Without putting her down, he whispered into her ear. "Stas, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

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