oh boy

453 19 1

"Definitely. What's going on?"

I grab his arm and lead him toward the stairs so I have time to speak and lead him to the recovery floor.

"She lied. Understandably, but she lied. She needs help."

"Who lied? About what?"

"Stassie. She's had nightmares and flashbacks. I asked her to give me a number on a scale of one to ten."

"Let me guess..ten."


They proceeded walking up the stairs, getting closer to the recovery floor. "I knew it. I knew there was no way she was okay. Impossible."

We made it to the recovery floor. I see her through the glass walls and door. We catch eye contact and her eyes fall onto Bruce who walked right behind me.

I can see her mouth "really?" In response, I shrugged my shoulders.

Walking towards the door I see Pepper came in already and dropped off our breakfast onto a side table with a few flowers, orange juice for me and iced coffee for Stas. Nutella cinnamon sticks. Yummy.

Pepper knew those made me feel like a little kid. I plopped myself next to Stassie in the hospital bed again.

"Why did you tell him?" She whispered. "I wasn't gonna feel you tremble again all night in your sleep. I wanna help you." "How would you feel that? You're sleeping in here again tonight?" I smiled and laughed slightly. "Only if that's okay with you" I whispered. A grin formed on her face. She brought her face inches away from mine. "Why are we still whispering?" She whispered. We were looking into each other's eyes and grinning. I put my forehead to hers. "I'm not sure." I laughed still whispering my words.

We pulled apart and looked at Bruce who was enjoying the moment she and I just had. "Im sorry." Stas began. "No need to apologize. I get it. It's not easy. That mission made it worse for you all over again. So please, don't apologize."

"Here's what we're going to do. I'll prescribe pills that you take before bed each night and they'll undeniably make the flashbacks and nightmares go away."

"Pills? I hate swallowing pills. I have such a fear of that. You know that." "What're you 8?" I joked. She laughed it off.

" Okay what about if I make it in liquid form?" "I hate liquid medicine, never tastes good."

"Okay..what about an IV you come in here each day for a few minutes and I hook it up to you." "I don't do needles. Hate them."

" So pills it is." Bruce says. "Fine." "Alrighty honey, I'll be in the lab making these. If you need me just text. You too, Steve." He points to me. "You got it." Stas and I said in unison.

"Also. Stas. Thank Steve. He told me this because he cares. Not because he wanted to rat you out." A smile came onto her face. "I know." She looks at me. "I know."

We sat in silence for a few moments after Bruce left. No tension, no awkwardness, just silence. That was, until she broke it.

"Have you thought about it yet?" She said her face and eyes still to the ceiling as she was laying back. I shifted from my back onto my side where I could face her. My head leaning on the palm of my hand as it held it up.

"Thought about what?"

"How you're gonna tell fury I'm on the case with you."

She joked but I can tell there's truth to what shes saying. "Come on.. I'm happy you get to do PT earlier. But mentally you aren't ready for this. Physically you won't be ready. Don't take it personal. I'm looking out for you." "Right."

A few more moments go by and he decides to lighten it up.

"You never finished telling me about yourself. She takes a few seconds to figure out what he's talking about. As gently as she can she turns to face him. "That's right."

"So tell me, everything about you off the top of your head."

"Okay. My best friend in the entire world is Peter Parker. Don't know what Id do without him. Honestly. Talk about someone who knows you like the back of their hand. He knows my secrets, mannerisms, when I'm lying, when Im upset, everything you could think of.. just not that." Steve understood what she meant.

She continued "Nat is my sister. Un biological of course but she's known me since I was tiny. Loved her ever since. Wanda, she's my girl. Ever since we all took her in she became a part of me and Nat. It's like the three of us are soul tied." Stas giggled.

I liked seeing her happy and talking about thing she knew most about. "Pepper and I have always gotten along too. I think she's Tony rock. It's what he needed. It's what he deserves. Carol Danvers and I don't really ever see eye to eye. She's the only one I've never gotten along perfectly with. Loki is something else." I noticed she shook her head smiling. "Loki and I have always flirted here and there since day one. He's the perfect friend, though. He keeps me on my feet."

I take all the information in.

I loved every moment of watching her giggle, smile, eyes perk up when she thinks of something new to share.

"Obviously you know I love my grilled cheeses. On a totally unrelated note, I was accepted to University of South Carolina. My dream school. Didn't go though. Obviously. I liked my life here a little better. I miss my mom. So much. Hate my dad. So much. Wish Tony understood. So much."

Her eyes meant mine hopelessly and helplessly. I could feel her frustration, god her eyes say so much without saying anything at all. I take my left hand into hers and I almost sense instant relief.

"Never had a boyfriend haha, but you know that. Just never felt right with anyone. They always only wanted one thing. And I always had self respect. The one thing they didn't want. I also get drunk super easily. Hate sheets that's aren't satin. They make me itchy." She laughs once again.

That's starting to become my favorite sound.

She takes a deep breath in.

"How was that?" "That was extremely informative!" "Too much?" Stas raised an eyebrow smirking. "Too little." I grinned.

"So, again you and Loki were never a thing? How come? He seems interested." "Trust me, there's nothing there. Just friendship."

"You and Danvers? I noticed that tension once before. What's that about?" "She's likes solo working. Nothing against that. I grew up here learning how to fight as a team. It's not her style."

"How about your South Carolina life?" "Ah Steve. It's a dream. A dream that honestly, I never wanted to be a reality. It was just an escape from everything happening in my life during that time." "I got accepted five-ish years back. My parents were murdered and Tony and I got closer and then boom. Avengers. Life got busy. But.. I liked it. It's adventurous, dangerous, fun and like a big family." Soon a question popped in my head.

"Who's your favorite person that lives in this tower?"

"That question seems like a trap ,Rodgers." She smirked. "That's because it is." "mmm on that note I supposseeee I have to saaayy you."

She dragged out her words annoyed and jokingly before grinning. "Me too. Me too." I smiled.

Soon a knock on the glass door was heard. We lifted our heads from the sights of one another and turned to the glass door.

There she stood tall and blonde. Stas gestured her to come in, wondering who she was.

"Hi, I'm agent Carter."

"Oh boy." Stas muttered.

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