dreaming of pink lines

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"I uh, you know what I meant." She forced a friendly laugh. "I just meant it would be you, me and Peter."

"Right." Bucky muttered dryly.

"Never mind, I understand if you don't want to." Stas cleared her throat.

"I would love to actually." Buck shrugged.
Without hesitation, Stas grinned. "Okay."

Anyone could physically hear the grin in her tone. "I mean yea, that's cool." She corrected her behavior.

"You guys pick a show, I'll be right back." She left them as she jogged up to her bathroom in her shared bedroom.

She opened up her messages and saw that Wanda had texted her.

Wanda💥: Did you take the test yet?!

She sighed and turned off her phone.
For the last month she'd taken two tests. Both came out negative. She was praying that the test Wanda and Nat bought her this time would give her two pink lines.

She squatted over the toilet, peed on the stick and then began to wait her 10 minutes.

After 6 minutes of being upstairs she heard a knock on her bathroom door.
"Yes?" She responded.

"Can I come in?" Bucky's voice replied.

She hid the test on the floor of the shower in a quick panic as he walked in.
"You okay?"

"Mmhm" Was all she could get out. Her heart was racing and he could tell she had been pacing and fidgeting with her fingers.

Her cuticles were freshly burning and bleeding causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"You're not okay. What's going on?" He asked, now making his way over to the shower and rolling the sliding door where she'd been when he came in.

"Nothing, really. Buck, please don't look in there." She tried grabbing his arm to pull him back.

"Stasia? Is that a.." He trailed off, kneeling to get a closer look.

"Buck.." She whispered as her hand was covering her mouth.

"Are you pregnant?" He turned to look at her with those empty icy blue eyes.

"I don't know. I- I don't know, Bucky. That's the whole point of the test." She spoke with sarcasm.

"Do you want to be?" He asked, sitting on the cold tile floor with his back now against the wall.

"I do. I really do." She admitted after looking at him for a second and not knowing if she should be honest.

Bucky did the unthinkable in this situation and decided to put his own feelings and emotions aside and put hers first.

"Is this your first test?" He sighed.
She shook her head and sat across from him.
"Second test?"
She shook her head again.
She nodded.

"How many more minutes until we can check?" Bucky asked.

"Three more."


She was looking down at her hands, not wanting to face him. Not wanting to face anyone.
"Look at me. Please."

"What do you want me to say, huh? This is so embarrassing. I can't do anything right. It's a sign that I shouldn't have kids. I'd be a horrible mother anyways."

A weighted tear raced down her flustered face as Bucky wiped it away.

He took a seat next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"That's not true. None of that nonsense is. You'd be an amazing mother. The best there is. It's not embarrassing, Stark. This is normal, okay?"

He sat there rocking her until the three minutes were up.
"You ready?" He asked.

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