I never asked for easy

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Anastasia woke up to the sound of waves crashing onto the water in the distance. A light breeze entered the room through the opened balcony doors.

She rubbed her eyes and looked over to find the bed vacant beside her.

"I'm right here." He stated, watching her confused eyes scan the room around her.

He was shirtless, holding a mug of coffee, with the sun rising just behind him.

Is there a better sight? Stas sure didn't think so.

She smiled and blushed a little. "Good morning, Barnes."

"Good morning, Stasia." He grinned as he brought the mug to his lips, not breaking the eye contact.

She got up from the bed and dragged her feet as she shared a friendly smile with him.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Stassie raised an eyebrow.

"Just for a second. You looked peaceful, happy and the way the sun beamed off your face, it was adorable." Bucky responded looking down to the girl in front of him.

"What should we do today?" She asked after studying his handsome face that watched her in return.

"Let's spend it at the beach. It doesn't seem like a whole bunch of people are there today."

"Sooo just us?" She asked. "Just us" has slowly become a thing between them and they both secretly enjoyed it.

"Just us." Bucky nodded.

Her smiled faded as she looked away from him and to the view.

She's never not smiled while looking at a sunset. This was new. Couldn't be a good thing either.

"How are you holding up today?" He asked while putting his arm around her waist.

She leaned on his shoulder. "I'm alright." She lied.

Anastasia always felt like it was wrong for her to ever not feel okay. She knew there were people across the globe who had harder lives.

She felt guilty and dirty if she didn't appreciate that her life wasn't as hard as others.

"You don't have to lie to me you know. Stasia, you can always be you when you're with me. I'll take you as you are. Good and bad. You got your heart broken yesterday, you don't have to be okay." He assured, now rubbing her waist in a comforting way.

"I know I can be me when I'm with you. That's why I've always favored your company above other's." She informed.

At this point she was hugging his arm. Her pain inside felt so permanent she could even ignore it.

She missed Steve's face, voice, scent, laugh. She could go on and on.

However, she knew that with Bucky there, the hurt was bearable. If she were alone and dealing with the break up, she wasn't sure how she'd get through it.

Anastasia was now able to stop putting her feelings for Bucky aside and face them. For weeks and months she was forced to lie to herself about it because of Steve.

Well, there's no more Steve.

"You're with me. I'll get past all of the hurt." She remarked.

"I would never hurt you, emotionally or physically, you do understand that, right?" Bucky watched her eyes flutter around.

"I know."

"You know I'll wait for you right? Even if it's a day, a week, hell even years. I'll wait." Bucky revealed with a serious yet harmless tone.

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