aw.. you missed me didn't ya

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An operation that was only supposed to last two hours at most ended up being six hours.

The excessive blood loss messed with her body. One problem caused another.

Bruce wasn't gonna let her slip away. After he finished he walked over to the sink and placed his hands and buckled his elbows with his head bowed. 

He sighed and let out a deep breath. He turned around and looked at Stas. She was hooked up to monitors from her arms, side, stomach and chest.

She looks like a train wreck, he couldn't imagine to begin how she felt. She had flatlined once and he brought her back. Bruce could not begin to think about life without her.

He takes off his gloves, washed his hands and swung the door open to leave. He walks down the stairs and before he proceeds to go down another flight, the smell of food stops him.

Who the hell is cooking right now?? Bruce thought to himself. He sped walked into the kitchen. Steve. "Steve? What um what're you doing?"

"Bruce! You're out! Is she- is she okay? Please lie to me if you have to. Please.."

"Steve, she's okay. It took a lot longer than usual with operations like hers but she's gonna pull through. If it weren't for your idea to have Strange interfere, she wouldn't have made it. Steve.. ya did good."

Bruce looks around Steve's shoulder. "Did you stress cook or something?"

"Um kinda? I made grilled cheese for me because ya know.." Bruce continued his sentence for him. "Because they're her favorite, I know."

"Yea exactly. So I made some for me now and I made her a massive load of grilled cheeses that she can eat whenever she wakes up." Bruce smiled at him.

"I didn't realize you two had become so buddy-buddy with each other?"

"Yea, trust me, it was the last thing we had expected too."

"Alrighty well i'm gonna go downstairs and inform the others. You can stay here if you want, if you aren't ready to face all their questions."


Bruce walks back to the staircase and heads on down. Tony,Wanda,Nat and Peter shot their bodies up from their seats.

"Good news." Bruce began. Sighs of relief were heard from every single soul in the room.

"She struggled to pull through but she did it. God, she's a toughie. Now, I don't wanna tell you this, however I think it is better that I do since we as a team are all well aware of each others medical history. Especially if it regards to an injury one obtained through a mission."

They were interrupted by a scoff from Loki. He crossed his hands and raised an eyebrow.

"How many times did you allow her to flatline Bruce" "I was gonna get to that." Bruce said looking over at Loki.

"Well, get there faster" Wanda had chimed in. "I asked you a question." Loki stated sternly.

His anger filled eyes never left the sight of Bruce. "Only once." "That is about one too many times in my book." Loki said raising his voice.

He started pacing over to Bruce. Tony stood in front of Loki before he could advance closer to Bruce.

Tony stuck out his hand and proceeded to speak."The important thing is that she is okay now, I'm sure she is resting now upstairs in the recovery area. Bruce saved her, Loki. She's okay." Tony turned to Bruce letting his arm drop back down to his side.

"I wanna go see my sister and now." He nods and leads Tony down the hall, up two flights of stairs and into the recovery area.

He let out a slight gasp when he saw her in the form that she was.

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