love is complicated

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At breakfast the next day, Stas sat next to Steve at the table and everyone was cheery.. almost everyone that is.

Bucky hadn't known yet what went on between Steve and Anastasia the night before. However, he did see Steve's car pull into the house not long after she escaped to her room.

Stas and Steve were holding hands and sharing caring and loving smiles all morning. Peter was beyond confused after what he was exposed to last night.

"I hate that summer is ending." Gamora frowned. "It's only halfway through August." Rocket informed.

"Let's end this summer with a vacation, somewhere." Tony offered.

Stas looked at Steve as a smile grew on her blush lips. She turned back to Tony and announced that they wouldn't be able to attend the trip.

"What? Why not?"

A raw grin appeared on her face as she explained why.

"We're going on a little trip of our own and we leave in two days."

"That's so much fun!! Where are you going?" Wanda probed.

"That's so cute! Where's this mystery place of yours?" Nat squealed at the same time as Wanda.

Anastasia's chuckled at her friend's excitement. "We're going to Bora Bora." She confessed.

"No fucking way. Quill see? Why don't you do things like that with me?" Gamora teased.

"Thank you for that." Quill stated sarcastically to Steve and Stas.

"How long is this trip?" Bucky inquired with his arms crossed in his seat.

Peter's eyes sprinted to Stas in a 'uh oh' manner.

"As long as we choose." Steve spat back.

"Steve." She whispered to him closely. Steve took it as a friendly warning to calm down.

"Just a question." Bucky reasoned.

Steve immediately disregarded Stassie's warning and began to argue with Bucky.

"It really isn't any of your business how long we're away for. She's mine. I have a feeling you're forgetting that." Steve said protectively.

He hasn't even noticed that he placed his hand on Stassie's leg as he increased the decibels in his voice when bickering with Bucky.

"Oh boy." She muttered to herself and looked down.

"You told him?" Bucky tilted his head to the woman now slumped across from him.

She looked up and before she could defend herself, Steve spoke for her.

"She did, you wanna know why? Because she chose me and trusts me more than you think. You aren't even her boyfriend and the way you've spun her in circles in the last few weeks has been so noticeable. You've hurt her, you're lucky I don't hurt you." He said now standing up and holding out his hand to Stas.

Watching Steve's chest and face fill with unyielding heat and rage stirred up so many emotions in Anastasia. Without hesitation, she slipped her hand into his and stood up from the chair.

"What happened to "the end of the line"?" Bucky spat. Steve didn't say a word.

"Stasia?" Bucky asked with a betrayed tone.

"I'm so sorry." She confessed so quietly she basically mouthed it. Their prolonged eye contact was cut off by Steve rubbing her back and heading out to the garage.

He grabbed his keys out from his pocket,unlocked the door and swung it open for her.

"Thank you." Her voice spoke.

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