don't leave me

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Her alarm goes off around 8am like it usually does. However, unlike any other normal day, she stretched out her arm reaching for the man that previously stayed in her bed. Once she couldn't feel him she opened her eyes and looked around.

"Steve?" She asked the empty bedroom. She scanned her floor to see if his clothes were still there.



She gets up and goes to the bathroom and got ready. She threw on an oversized shirt and joggers. She threw her hair in a bun and went to Steve's bedroom door. She knocked on it.

"Hey, Steve? You there?" No answer. Where did he go?

"Oh hey sis!" Tony said walking down the hallway.

"What're you doing awake?" "Looking for Steve. What about you?"

"Oh I'm helping Steve get ready." "Get ready?" She responded with a confused expression.

"What're you talking about?" "The mission. Ohhh. I forgot to tell you. I called Fury like you asked. Steve was assigned to the Winter Soldier mission. He leaves today. Isn't that cool?"

She stared at him blankly. She wanted to throw up. Given, she was hungover but that's clearly not why she wanted to throw up.

"What. are. you. talking. about." She asked sternly. "Stas. He was assigned to it. Did he not tell you?"

She shook her head while biting the inside of her lip. She didn't want to speak.

"Oh. Well um. He's downstairs getting in a quick work out in the training room. He leaves at 12."

She walked right past Tony and headed for the stairs. She walked past the kitchen and down the hallway. She swung open the training room door so hard it echoed.

"What the fuck, Steve! Really?? Really?? So what.. were you just gonna leave without saying anything? You SNEAKY asshole!!" She stormed closer to him with every word she said.

It was the most attitude he'd ever seen coming from her to him. Even with all their past arguments when they hated each other. This was the worst.

"Stassie, I can explain." He said backing up from her. "Oh! Can you? Please. Do so because I'm two seconds from never speaking to you again."

"I need you to calm down first." "CALM DOWN?? Oh my god, Steve. After EVERYTHING. After last night.." She trailed off.

"I don't know. I thought things were going so well. I KNEW you were hiding something."

"Stassie. Please. Don't be mad. I don't want to leave today with you hating me. Not after last night."

"Steve I- I just can't believe you right now. You also didn't answer my question. If I wasn't told by Tony right now.. would you have left without saying anything?"

He stayed silent while looking down at his boxing gloves. "Wow. Nice. Real nice. Hope you have fun with Agent Carter on the mission."

She stormed out the training room before he could say anything else. She couldn't believe him. She thought it was going so well.

Something new in her life. She thought wrong. What she couldn't seem to understand was he was doing it for her.

He knew she was going to persist going on the mission. She's physically not ready. Him doing this could potentially save her life and she doesn't even realize it. He couldn't imagine her getting hurt again or worse.. dying. He just got her, he can't lose her.

She went up to her room and cried. She cried for the first time since her fight with Peter before the Russia mission.

She couldn't tell if she was more mad at the fact that he hid it from her or the fact that he is actually going. Especially by himself.

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