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Bucky and Anastasia were halfway through their trip. Stas has received a total of 40 missed calls from Steve and didn't return a single one.

Why should she? Steve made up his mind.

Bucky and Stassie have been flirting and had a few makeout sessions but nothing too overwhelming.. yet.

Stassie spent the whole day out, swimming, picking flowers, enjoying music down the beach while Bucky stayed in.

He told her he had woken up with a headache and for her to return before dinner so they could go out together.

Around 7, she decided to go back to the villa. She unlocked the door and walked in. The only light was the one that poured in through the curtains and terrace doors on the first floor.

"Buck?" She asked the air as she dropped her keys at the mini table by the door.

No answer.

She walked up the curved staircase to the hall where their shared room was.

"Bucky?" She sang confusedly as her head peered in through the open doors that led to other rooms on the top floor.

"I'm here." He said.

It came from their bedroom. Stassie inched across the hallway wood planks and quietly dragged her feet.

She slowly swung open the door and saw him in a light blue dress shirt and khaki pants with a few flowers in hand.

Beautiful vibrant flower petals paved the way on the floor to the balcony doors where she was able to see a candle lit dinner waiting for her.

There were flower petals all over the bed and a little note card with her name.

It stung for a second, remembering how Steve always made little notes for her. Anastasia still kept them all.

"All of this.. for me?" She questioned as she examined the irresistible room.

Bucky cleaned up nice as always. That face of his was just so appealing and charming.

Stas' eyes fluttered around with her mouth opened in amazement.

"Just a little way of showing my appreciation of you." He smiled. "Do you like it? Sorry it's not a lot-"

She cut him off by running into his arms and throwing the flowers onto the bed.

"I love it." She whispered next to his ear. Anastasia linked her tanned arms around his taller body and he lifted her up to pull her figure closer.

This would go down as one of their first genuine intimate memories that they'd create.

"You're incredible." She rubbed his hair. It was short and fluffy, just how she preferred on him.

He smiled, proud of himself, and tightened his hold on her. Stassie's feet dangled a few inches above the ground before they reconnected when Bucky let her go.

"How does dinner sound?" He questioned, holding out his hand politely.

"Sounds wonderful. Let me go freshen up." She added while letting his hand go.

When he tuned away, she raced to pick out a mini flowy light pink dress, went to the bathroom and re did her makeup.

Stas decided on lip gloss, concealer, mascara and blush stick which she applied on her cheeks and nose.

She brushed her hair down and felt her phone vibrate through the sink counter.

Steve was calling.

That blue heart next to his name on the caller ID made her heart shatter and sink.

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