babysitting Stas for a day

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After a few extremely fun rounds of Steve and Stas, the two fell asleep after putting their underwear back on and Stas put on one of Steve's shirts.

They were in the same bed and Steve had his arm snaked around her waist as he had her legs sprawled on him and her head on his chest.

She began to shake slightly of and on in her sleep, waking Steve up. Puzzled he asked, "Stas? Stassie? You awake?"

Once there was no response from her and just grunting and sharp deep breaths, he sat up and turned on the lamp on the little table next to him. Steve sat up, and pulled her into his chest.

"Stassie?" He rubbed the side of her head as her body continued to shake lightly. She began to softly whine in her sleep.

"Stas? Stassie, wake up." He whispered while now rubbing her back.

She jolted up and took in a deep breath as she felt she had run out of air. Her lip quivered and then she realized she was okay and where she was.

"It's okay, shhh" Steve said holding her tightly. "You're with me. I got you. Shhh, I got you."

She didn't cry, but she was scared. Why was she having nightmares? Then, it hit her.

In between her sharp breaths in his neck, she found enough air to speak. "Steve, I forgot my pills at the tower."

"It's okay. We'll ask Bruce to mail it here since we're gonna be here for a bit. Don't worry about that now. Are you okay? That seemed like a really bad one." Steve said while caressing the back of her head.

She nodded, still out of breath and somewhat sweating. The room was spinning and she felt lightheaded.

"You were there." She whispered with a shaky voice. She slowly pulled away from his neck and remained sitting in his lap as he held her. He seemed puzzled.

"My nightmare. You were there." Stas swallowed hard and felt as if she could have a meltdown at any second.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get to yo- I tried. I really did. I couldn- I couldn't reach." She stuttered as her frustration and sadness took over her voice.

Steve looked into her fearful brown eyes and tilted her chin up with his finger. "It wasn't real, I'm here. I'm right here. I'm okay."

Steve placed his hands on the sides of her head to stroke her soft brunette hair. "I'm okay, Stassie."

She closed her eyes, feeling his warm hands comforting and calming her down.

"I love you. I love you so much." Stas said as her lip quivered. "I can't lose you, truly. I don't ever want to imagine it again." She admitted shakily.

"I love you so much more, Stassie. You have absolutely no idea. You're never going to lose me. Ever. I promise."

She looked into his piercing blue eyes then latched onto his neck once more to embrace him.

Steve held her knowing she was upset and felt guilty over a horrible nightmare. He hated seeing her so distraught.

He rocked her gently so that she could go back to sleep. Once her breathing slowed, he placed her back onto the bed and laid her head on the pillow. He turned off the light, laid back down and held her hand.
At 8 am the room alarm that Stas had set the night before, went off.

"Shut that thing up." She groans, pulling the sheets over her eyes to shield them from the sun peering in through the curtains.

"C'mon grumpy. We gotta meet them for breakfast, and after your night last night you need something to eat." He said throwing the blanket off of himself.

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