"Ta-take me home please.."

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Days later-
Stas felt much better and her and Steve decided that today was the day they woukd inch onto the fugitives in the abandoned building they had been hiding out in. Putting on their suits in the hotel, facing the opposite way of each other so they couldn't look at each other while dressing, Steve began to ask her a question. 

"Stas, you feeling good?" Zipping up her suit she goes "Duh Steve, where have you been!?" She laughs.

 "Stas, that's not how I meant that question." She paused. Oh. "Yea. I'm ready." "We got this." Both finished, they turn around. "I know we do." She stated. 

"I updated Fury, we're good to go whenever." "Okay." They had previously packed all their belongings so that way when they are done with the mission, they are able to just hop onto the jet. They take their hotel room keys to return them downstairs, and the drag along their suitcases. 

They leave the hotel and hop into the blacked out S.H.E.I.L.D car to go to the hangar. They leave their belongings with Happy to be put into the bottom of the jet as the two hop into the jet cabin area. "The hide out I assume?" Happy asked wondering where they wanted their destination to be. 

"Yep" Said Steve walking over to the mini snack cabinet. For the entire ride, Stas sat in complete silence. The silence was perfect and working to get her thoughts and priorities straight. Steve noticed she needed to sit quietly alone for a bit so he never sat next to her or started up a conversation.

 20 minutes go by and they hear Happy say, "We're approaching our landing site. Walk and bust in whenever you're ready." "Goddamn those 20 minutes went by fast." Stas added with a rapidly beating heart. 

She was nervous and had every single right to be. Fidgeting with her fingers, Steve gently rubs her right shoulder. No words were said but the action said it all to her. He understood her emotion and was gonna be there through it all with her. 

Prior to this mission, the two had been on several group missions. He knew what she was capable of. She was brave, strong, both mentally and physically and knew how to get the job done. He was always left in awe by her work and stamina, even if they hadn't gotten along. Anastasia had started to feel the jet lowering. 

This was it. 

She made sure her pistols were set and strapped on the outside of each of her thighs and grabbed her batons.  She was ready to go to war with these assholes. 

"Ready Capsicle?" "Always." He slides the jet door open and let Stas out first. He gets out and followed her close by after closing the door as quiet as possible. They ran crouched down as they approached the back door to their abandoned building. 

Sergei, Lubov and Martin. The three names she kept repeating in her head.

 "If anything goes south we identify, and shut it down, we go out without a scratch."

 "You took the thoughts right out of my head, Steve" She whispered back. 

The sound of something hollow and metal falling makes them look up and grab their pistols. Here we go. 

"Ah ha ha the Avengers are here.. aren't you" A smug and creepy voice sounded. He was definitely close.. but where? She looked around as discreetly as she could, but couldn't find the man. A shot from in front of them startled Stas. 

"Alright fuckers, let's see what you got." Stas said loudly getting up from her crouched position in the building. Shots began to get fired, from both sides that is. A red,white,silver and blue shield soars through the air taking down a man hidden horribly behind slightly filled sand bags. 

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