love you enough to let you go

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Her heart beat increased through the roof. "He can't know." She whispered to Wanda and Nat. Stassie's eyes welled with tears.

She was scared. There's a possibility he walks through that door just to see a negative result test. It would break him. Hell, it would break her.

"It's okay. It's better this way." Wanda assured, getting up from the cold tile floor to rub Anastasia's back and to turn off her phone alarm.

"I'm gonna let him in, okay?" Nat looked at Stassie.

Stas nodded while wiping away her tears.

The door opened revealing Steve who seemed out of breath as if he'd been running nonstop. He had this worried expression on his face that the girls had never ever seen before.

"Are you okay, Stassie? I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." He rushed over to her and wrapped his suit jacket around her exposed shoulders from her jumpsuit.

"We'll be right outside if you need us, little Stark." Wanda promised as she closed the bathroom door behind them.

Stas looked at Steve with red eyes as her lip trembled. "Steve, baby, I am so so sorry." She cried.

Steve pulled her into his chest. "Don't be sorry. I'm the one who's sorry." She continued to cry softly into his chest ruining his white shirt with her mascara.

"I am sorry that you went through this whole process without me and all these emotions of tests that didn't go the way we planned. Stassie I wish you could've told me. I am so sorry, my love."

She looked up at him and Steve's blue eyes calmed her down. Just like they always did.

"Whatever those two tests say, we'll deal with it. I promise. If it doesn't go our way again, it won't change how much I love you. Nothing ever could. Do you understand me?"

She nodded. She chose not to say actual words knowing that her voice would break.

"Let's look at them." He smiled, fixing her hair behind her ears.

She stood up and he did too. The couple stood behind the counter of the bathroom staring down at two tests that were waiting to be flipped over.

Steve grabbed her hand at her side and gently stroked it.

"Are you ready?"

"No, but let's do it anyways." Stassie sighed. Every atom in her was praying for them to be positive. If they came out negative she truly didn't know what she'd do.

Her right hand went to flip the top one over as Steve's left hand went to flip the bottom one over.

"On the count of three we flip them at the same time."

He looked down into her fearful eyes, he could hear her heart pounding in the overly silent bathroom.

"Relax, baby."

"I cant." She whispered, closing her eyes tightly.

"I need you to relax." He brought their faces together.

Stassie opened her eyes, looking directly into his.

"3...2...1.." He counted down slowly.

They flipped them over and pulled away to look at what the tests said.

She stared blankly in shock.

Steve's grin was so big, Stas could sense it without looking at him.

"Oh. my. god." She let out.

He grabbed her face and smiled. "You're gonna be a mommy."

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