Super Bowl prizes

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*🌶 warning!*

"It's so good to hear your voice." He chuckled. "It's been insane here the last two days. So much chaos, Rocket and Quill argue every two seconds, Peter is stressed about school, Yelena and Nat argue about what color the baby's room should actually be painted, I mean- there isn't a dull moment here."

Stas laughed to herself as she pictured everyone's frustrations. They were a big family, sometimes things we a little uneven but they were always happy.

"Sounds like I'm missing all the fun. Tell Peter he's going to Ace whatever tests he has coming up. He's a lot smarter than what he gives himself credit for. Be me for the next few days." She giggled.

" 'Ace'?" Bucky asked. "How ironic."

Stas heard him laugh as he referred to her 'superhero name'.

"Oh shut up, Barnes."

"Seriously though, it's really good to hear your voice." He spoke deeply. Anastasia could hear him walking up stairs in the background of their call. She figured he was going to his room for privacy.

"Same here."

"Stasia" He began. "Yes?"

"You once asked me why it was that I somehow treated you better than Steve did. I then told you that you should wait until I gave you my answer. Do you remember?"

"Of course. It was when we boarded that plane." Stassie continued her walk down the beach as the white sand engulfed her freshly pedicured toes.

Her sunglasses say perfectly on her nose.

"I think it's because you and I.. we're different. I connect with you in ways he can't. We've been through similar things. You see right through me and I see right through you."

She knew he was right.

"You still love me?" She asked quietly. Stassie wanted him to say 'no'. It would make things hell of a lot easier.

"You know I do. I can't imagine the day I won't."

Stas internally sighed.

"You don't have to tell me whether or not you do. You once told me you did. That's all I need." The hurt was pouring from his tone.

"You deserve so much better than this." She unintentionally whispered. Her stomach was turning in such unpleasant ways.

"So do you."

She never really thought about that. Anastasia always felt obligated to put Steve's and Bucky's feelings first and what they needed.

-Never what she needed.

"I'm not too sure about that, Buck. Here I am on a beautiful island with a wonderful man who is waiting for me to walk back off this beach and into his arms again. I don't think I deserve all of this."

"You're a divine human. Don't forget that."

She wearily smiled as she stared into the horizon of the water.

"I love him. A whole lot. I can't put him through this again. It's unjustifiable and cruel."

"I know."

"I can't lose you as my friend, Bucky." She spoke sweetly.

He exhaled. "You won't. I once promised you I was never going anywhere. I wouldn't lie to you."

A few seconds of trying to find the right words to say, nothing good enough was created.

"I gotta go okay? We'll talk later or when I get back to the compound."

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