the knowing and the unknowing

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Steve's POV:
We walked café a few blocks away. She began speaking as we sat down at a table outside. The air was the perfect temperature for outdoor seating.

"Didn't expect you to come talking to me so soon." She grinned. She had so many of Peggy's features. Her smile. Her eyes. The softness in her voice and yet the sternness.

"I wanted to tell you that I'll be completing the mission." "So the answer is a yes?" "Yes." I nodded.

"When would you like to start?"

"As soon as possible. I'll do two days of training at the tower and get on with the mission."

"Okay." Sharon liked that I was determined. She made it quite obvious.

"It's a one and done mission. May take a few days but there'll be no need to go back and finish unfinished business."

"Sounds great." I smiled.

I couldn't get over her eyes. They were just like Peggy's.

"Unrelated to anything we just spoke about but, aunt Peggy.. she told me about you. You were her first love."

I painfully closed my eyes. Hearing that was bittersweet.

For some reason, when I closed my eyes, I saw Stas. I saw her face, her hand holding mine. I felt her warmth.

What was I doing??

Out to grab coffees with Sharon while the beautiful, intelligent, charismatic girl lie in a hospital bed.

I opened my eyes and see Sharon's hands reach out to mine. It felt so wrong yet so right.

Why haven't I moved my hands away??

Her skin grazes mine. There I was my eyes closed. I was taken back to a time where I was holding Peggy's hand.

The moment felt the same. Yet it all feels wrong. But why? There's absolutely no way Stassie feels the way I do about her.

She's been happy we're friends. At least I think.. I wasn't too sure. I open my eyes and pull my hands away. I smile.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Agent Carter. This was nice. I look forward to speaking with you soon."

Just like that I walked away. I didn't wait for any response of hers. I knew that if I had waited, I would stayed.

As I'm walking out, I see Scott. He had been sitting with Cassie who was slurring on a hot chocolate. He calls me over.

"Steve! Over here!" I walk over praying he hasn't seen that moment with Sharon.

"Hey Scott." "I was wondering when you were gonna notice me instead of that pretty lady you were holding hands with" He laughed. crap.

"Oh haha. That? She's- Haha she's nothin-" I was nervously answering.

Scott cut me off. "No worries. I get it. Young love. First dates." "No no-" "Relax Steve" he chuckled.

"I have a card trick you can teach her that'll definitely sweep her off her feet." I was officially confused.

I wanted to just leave the cafe. I love Scott, but there was too much going on.

As I go to say goodbye to Scott and Cassie, a kiss was planted on my check behind me.

I quickly glanced over my shoulder to identify who it was. Sharon. "You didn't say goodbye, silly"

I was annoyed and frustrated. I needed to leave. Now. I look back at Scott who was chuckling to himself after seeing what happened.

"I guess you don't need my card trick after all." I waved goodbye and walked out of the cafe, heading towards the tower.

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