Merry Christmas, Steve Rogers

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Today was the day.

Stas and Peter always set their alarms at 8 am sharp for Christmas morning.

*Ding ding ding* The alarm rang in their rooms separately. 

"It's Christmas! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Stassie exclaimed as she sprung up and shook Steve's bare shoulder.

"Oh lord." Steve spoke with his raspy morning voice and a smirk.

"Stas!" Peter shouted, running down the hall to his best friend's room. "Come in!" She giggled, sitting up against the headboard with Steve.

"Get ready, let's go and wake everyone else up. I'll gather everyone in the main area and you and the other girls get the coffee and hot cocoas ready."

Just like that, Peter rushed to all the other rooms leaving Stas and Steve in their room alone. She asked J.A.R.V.I.S to open their bedroom window blinds to let the daylight pour in. To her joyous surprise, it turned out to be a white Christmas after all.

Anastasia let out a tiny gasp as her brown eyes that seemed hazel today like they were in the summer, met the white heavy flurries waving down from the sky. She turned back to Steve who was amazed by the scenery.

"Seems like you got what you wanted, Steve-o"

Steve smiled and brought her closer to him. "I got what I wanted in June and she's right next to me."

"Aww, okay mister, enough with the cheesiness, let's get up." She booped his nose and made a b-line to the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face, and brush her hair down.

Her skin was perfect. There wasn't a single flaw or imperfection on her. Her eyelashes were unfairly and naturally long. Her nose was what any girl gets surgery for except, she was born with it.

She was a petite built female with a 6 pack and toned glutes and thighs. Stas adjusted herself in the mirror as Steve leaned on the doorframe, watching her.


"Yes, my love." She turned her head slowly, her eyes not lifting off her reflection.

"You're so beautiful."

She blushed and her eyes rolled gently to where his figure stood. She walked up to him quietly dragging her feet on the cold tile of their bathroom.

Stas stood on her tip toes that were now smushed against her fuzzy socks that cozied against her feet.

The two stared at each other with a small smile that curled their lips. She kissed him for a few seconds and grabbed his hands into hers. "Merry Christmas, Steve Rogers."

"Merry Christmas, Stassie Stark." He whispered back against her mouth.

"Let's go downstairs. I can already hear someone blasting the holiday music."

Anastasia was so excited that almost every word that escaped her lips was a squeal.

"You go, I'll be right down, okay?" He assured, guiding her out of their bedroom with his hand on her lower back.

"You sure?I can wait here with you while you do whatever you need to do." She turned back around. It was so clear how bad she wanted to jump downstairs and get the morning going. Her fiddling fingers said it all.

Steve chuckled and nodded. "I'm sure, Stassie. Go."

Her eyes sparkled as Steve gave her the 'ok'. "Okay. Don't take too long though." She said louder and louder as she ran down the staircase.

Steve went to his sock drawer and grabbed the mini black felt material box and called Nat. He was sure that she was definitely still in her room.

"I know what you're gonna ask. Have some faith in me, you old fossil. It's in my pocket, I'll meet you downstairs in a sec." Nat spoke into her phone speaker. She hung up causing them to laugh on both ends.

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