the return

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The whole group spent another week in the Hamptons living away from their realities. They chose to go back to the tower today and catch up with their friends. They hoped that while they were gone, a hatred or annoyance for them hadn't developed due to the Accords.

"We're home!" Stas yelled as they entered the main area, hauling around their suitcases.

"You're home!" Peter shouted as he sprinted up to Anastasia. She giggled as she was being spun around.

"Be careful. Along with everyone else, she's hungover and will throw up on you if you keep spinning her." Steve laughed.

"Oh oh ew. Okay, I'm setting you free." Peter warned. Stas ruffled his hair and looked up to her younger yet taller best friend. "I've missed you so much, spidey boy."

"Is that my Stassie I hear?" Nat's voiced echoed through the hallway.

"Wait, you're ALL home!!" Nat gushed as she ran from the hallway to the group.

"Perfect. I'd actually like to speak to you all." Tony said from the balcony above. All the heads tilted up to match a face to the voice.

"Mission room I'm assuming?" Cling questioned. "Correct." Tony responded, walking away.

Stas internally groaned as they left their bags in the main area to walk to the room.

She walked in first, plopped herself in the rolling chair and swung herself around effortlessly. Steve took a seat beside her before spinning her around joyfully once more.

"I heard you guys went to the Hamptons? Must've been nice." Tony said while slowly pacing in the front of the room.

"Yea. And? What's the big deal? We remained out of your hair while you guys did what you had to. We're home now." Wanda added.

Tony turned to her and scoffed. "That's where you're wrong. You left to stay out of the media's hair."

"Okay, maybe we did. It shouldn't matter." Anastasia said with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe it should've remained like that." Tony stated.

"You kicking us out?" Anastasia caught on.

"I get we have that sibling connection or whatever but don't put words in my mouth." Tony commanded as he sternly pointed at her.

"I'm not. I'm helping you say what you're trying to say." She spoke aggressively.

"Is she right, Tony?" Sam interrupted.

"I just don't think it's a good idea for you guys to stay here anymore." Tony said while not maintaining eye contact with anyone.

"You we're so big and bad just a second ago, look at us when you're talking." Stas snapped.

"Fine. Everyone that stayed in this tower and you guys are on contrasting wavelengths." He said now gazing at everyone who sat before him.

"You want to break up the Avengers?" Clint questioned.

Tony stayed silent. "You all broke up the Avengers when you weren't there the day the UN came with the press."

"Wow, for someone who refers to himself as a "genius", that is beyond doubt the dumbest thing you've ever said." Stas scoffed.

"Anastasia, please." Tony rolled her eyes.

"You know what? That's fine. This is ALL fine. We'll be fine." Then she slammed her hands on the table and stood up. "If Peter wonders why, I don't live under the same roof as him anymore, YOU tell him why. You tell him how you booted your SISTER and FAMILY out over a piece of fucking paper."

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