see what happens when you assume?

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The next few days were tense. The signatures for the Accords were due in 48 hours. Team Iron Man and Team Cap weren't speaking with one another, unless it was Stas and Peter.

Anastasia and Wanda went out shopping for somethings they needed and decided to make it a girls day. By lunch time, they chose a restaurant grab some sustenance.

"Is that-?" Wanda said squinting across the area with tables. Stas turned her head slowly to check out what her friend was focused on.

Stas made eye contact with Sharon then look back at Wanda. "Yep. That's her." Stas said wide eyed.

"She's coming over here." Wanda mumbled so that she didn't make it obvious.

Before they knew it, Sharon stood in front of them at their table.

"Hi ladies! Haven't seen you guys in a hot minute." She smiled.

Wanda and Anastasia forcibly smiled at her. "It's good to see you! How've you been?" Wanda squealed. Stas could tell it was so fake she wanted to bust out laughing.

"Oh me? I've been really good! Working a whole bunch, going on dates ya know? Just living." Sharon smiled.

"What about you Anastasia? You're quiet!" Sharon playfully shoved her arm.

Stas gave the 'Im gonna cut a bitch' face to Wanda who was also trying not to laugh. "I've been doing well. Really well." She smiled with sass.

"Could I sit with you guys? Let's catch up!" Sharon stated.

"Actually, we have to go. Tensions have been high since the Accords idea came into play. We have to go back to the tower." Wanda said getting up and grabbing her purse off the back of her chair.

While Sharon was looking at Wanda, Stas mouthed "Thank you" to Wanda.

Stassie grabbed her purse as well and noticed she got a text from Bucky.

Bucky 🦾: You free today? Feels like I haven't seen you in a bit.

Stas looked at Wanda and told her about Bucky. "It's okay, Stassie you go. I have to try and talk this whole Sokovia Accords thing out with Vis. He's been distant and dry with me. We don't even sleep in the same room anymore." She frowned.

"Aw Wanda. If you need me at all later, just give me a call." She said embracing her friend.

Wanda and Stas walked back to the tower and Stas went to knock on Bucky's door. He didn't answer, she figured he couldn't hear it because he was showering or something.

She decided to go to the main area and sit there and wait for him.

As soon as she walked in she saw Steve sitting with a lady at the bar counter. They both had a drink in front of them and were chatting and laughing.

The space between them couldn't have been more than a foot apart. She looked at him, he seemed happy.

Stas felt let down once again. How can one promise to prove they love a person while grabbing drinks with another?

She went to her room and threw on a hot outfit for the rest of the day. She put on a white bandeau top with a shredded jean jacket and black leggings. Stas applied pink lip gloss, mascara, concealer and blush, which was more than she ever usually put on.

When she believed she was ready, she grabbed her black Kate Spade wallet and walked to Bucky's room.

She knocked once and he opened the door for her. She stood there amazed as a grin slipped on her face. "You got a haircut!"

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