this is 21

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"Hurry! There's 30 seconds left!!" Pepper shouted to Tony who was in the kitchen getting more champagne bottles and pouring them as fast as he could into glasses for everyone except a pregnant Pepper Potts. 

Rhodey and Scott helped him quickly pass out the glasses around to the congested and crammed main area. 

"Thank you." Stassie winked to Scott who handed her and Steve a glass. 

It seemed like everyone from the city was now in the compound with them, eyes glued on the massive TV screen they bought specifically for tonight. 

Something about New Year's Eve and hearing the countdown of the ball drop in Times Square made Stassie so emotional. Not in a bad way, not in a good way, it just did. 

All their close friends from S.H.E.I.L.D and spouses and significant others of those from the organization and Avengers were all here. 

This night almost didn't happen due to the snow storm from earlier today but miracles happened. It was all great, perfect even. 

Her heart was racing as the countdown was now at 18. The closer the numbers got the more butterflies entered her chest and stomach. 

Wanda and Vis were holding hands and smiling, and screaming the countdown along with everyone else. Clint had Laura with him, Scott brought Cassie and Hope with him for tonight. 

Quill and Gamora seemed to be screaming louder than everyone else but earning some assuring chuckles from those around them. 

Bucky brought Sharon. Weird to say the least. Stas didn't care, as long as it wasn't her, there wasn't a problem.

Tony was hugging Pep with one arm around her back and one on her baby bump and slowly swaying while watching the screen. Stassie knew he was going to make such a wonderful dad. 

Peter brought MJ, of ocurse. Did we expect anything less? To Stas and everyone else who knew them, they were soulmates. Everyone was sure of it. 

Nat was being hugged from behind by Bruce. He had just put the baby down for sleep since the noise would be too much for his ears down with everyone else. 

".. 15.. 14.. 13" 

She looked up at Steve who was right next to her with his arm snugged around her waist. 

He looked down and grinned like she'd never seen before. Steve was radiating with bliss as if he was right with her in paradise. 

Even when they didn't get along, he knew how she would get overwhelmed with all the feels and get teary eyed. 

It was just the whole mixture of the warm, fuzzy, excitement, joyous and lovable emotions all balled into one. 

For someone who is so family oriented, she adored this holiday just for the countdown and being surrounded by everyone who was with her in this moment. 

"You ready to say goodbye to this year?" He asked, rubbing her waist gently and touching foreheads. 

She nodded. 

"..10, 9, 8, 7"

They pulled away and she snugged into his side while he still held her. They watched the ball almost reach the bottom and joined in on shouting the countdown. 

"..3, 2, 1. Happy New Years!!" 

Everyone blew into their horns and cheered. Tons and Tons of colorful confetti popped out from everyone's poppers in unison. 

Steve leaned in and held the back of her neck with one hand and holding her blushing cheek with the other. 

For a couple who has been in love and dating for almost a year now, they always managed to keep that first kiss spark feeling within all of their kisses. It was never forced, the feeling was more than natural. 

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