you guys didn't kill each other?!?

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POV: Avengers Tower

"A day goes by already and without Steve and Stas bickering all day, it's..quiet" joked Sam.

"I thought I would enjoy the peacefulness but geez I miss hearing them argue." contributed Thor.

"Miss them? Yea I miss them, very much in fact. But miss hearing them argue? Nope, not in a million years." Remarked Bruce.

In walked Nat into the grand living room with a beer.

"They should've landed and texted us already, it been 17 hours. You think they managed to kill each other on the jet?" Nat smirked.

"Wouldn't be shocked." Added a humorous Wanda.

"Where's Stas' spidey boy?, Shouldn't he be around here somewhere?" Remarked Quill.

"Wait you're right." Noticed Tony. In walks a flustered and disorientated Peter.

"Guys shouldn't Stas have landed already? Ive called and texted and nothing in return, you think she's ignoring me? Do you guys know if they're alright? Has she or Steve reached out?" He spoke rapidly.

Hardly anyone could keep up with his questions. "Alright kid. Take a seat. We're just waiting for an update. No need to worry."

Tony gets up and puts his hands on Peter's shoulders leading him over to the group that sat with each other, lounging on the sofas.

"You asked if our lady was ignoring you? Aren't you guys two peas in a pod? Why would she ignore you?" questioned Loki.

"Oh um" responded Peter, looking down hoping that the question would wander away and the topic would be changed.

But that's not what occurred. Peter looks back up meeting everyone's puzzled and intrigued eyes.

"Loki has a point, bug boy. Why would she ignore you?" Reasoned Sam.

"I messed up ok? I made a mistake. She left while we weren't getting along. Now she goes on this mission with the guy she hates the most and I know her. Something about this assignment has been bothering her ever since Tony told her about the details. I was trying to pull the information out of her mouth as to why but she didn't budge."

Nat and Bruce catch each other's gaze quickly across the room knowing the "information" Peter wanted to get out of Anastasia.

"I just didn't want her to leave being upset with me. And now I just don't want her to think she has to ignore me."

"Alright kid, well we'll update you if we hear anything. Go to bed. It's late and we all have training tomorrow morning."

"Goodnight Tony" Peter's eyes fall behind Tony's head to see the rest of the team.

"Goodnight guys." He waves off, heading to his room.

POV: Jet with Steve and Anastasia
Happy lands the jet at the hangar as directed by Fury.

"We're here guys" Happy pointed out. The noise of no movement tells him to go to the back of the plane.

As he's headed back he sees Stas and Steve sleeping on the bench attached to the jet walks with their heads on top of one another.

"And here I thought they weren't gonna make it alive together on this trip." He jokingly murmured to himself.

He kneels down and taps Stas' knee.

Stas shakes awake which unintentionally shakes Steve awake as well.

"Hey Ace, and Rogers, we've landed." They both get up and gather their things and suitcases. They walk down the stairs of the jet and onto the ground. "Ah fresh air." Stas sniffed.

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