baby Peter

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She locked eyes with Steve immediately. He began to tear up. Stassie was a beautiful human in and out. But today.. today she looked more beautiful than ever before.

She was glowing and radiant. Her dress hugged her in all the right places and was made for a queen.. for Anastasia.

Walking another step, she looks over at Coulson who was already looking at her.

"You look stunning, little Stark." He whispered.

She smiled back with aid of a scrunched nose and put her eyes back on her soon to be husband.

She looks over a little to his right and sees 3 her girls, Peter and over on Steve's left was Sam, Quill, Tony, And Thor.

When she arrived right before Steve, she turned back to Coulson and hugged him.

"I'll always be your daughter. Not Howard's. Know that."

He smiled and wiped a tear with a nod.

Steve took her hands into his, staring down into the face of the woman he loved most.

"You look- I mean.. I don't even have the words, my love." He sniffled.

"Hush, let the preacher man speak." She whispered back with a giggle.

The ceremony went on and it was time for Peter to hand over the rings so the vows can proceed.

"I'll go first." Stassie said as Steve slipped the ring into her hand.

"Steve, I can't promise that dark clouds will not come back and hover temporarily over us. I can't promise that all of our tomorrows will be perfect and full of all things that shine. But I can promise you this."

She let out a deep quiet breath before smiling with those rosy pursed lips that Steve couldn't stop looking at. Ever.

"I promise to love you with everything in me. I promise to hold you with loyalty, respect and unconditional devotion at all times. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you happy, safe, healthy and feeling loved."

Watching his eyes flutter while watching these words slip her mouth and feeling vulnerable in a venue in front of all these people while his thumbs caressed and assured her nerves, made a tear or two escape.

"I promise to dream with you, build with you, encourage you and cheer you on while being at your side."

"I am grateful for the mission that brought me closer to you. That showed me that you weren't all that bad." She continued with a laugh.

"I knew that one day I would fall in love with my prince charming who would force me to see that I am more than my mistakes, more than just ordinary and more than just a pretty face."

She stopped speaking for a second knowing her voice would break if she continued that second.

"When I met you, there wasn't a thing I liked about you. Or so I thought. I came to figure out that I hated how much I liked you and turned it into being bothered by you. By your confidence- Your strength. Your selflessness. And that perfect face of yours. I hated how much I adored your laugh. Your smile. Your random acts of kindness."

"Steve, baby, you are amazing and continue to amaze me everyday. I am so relieved that my prince charming ended up being you."

"I am grateful for you showing me how easy and scary in the right ways it was to fall so deeply in love with you and all your perfect imperfections."

Steve began to cry as well. Truly, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"Steve Rogers, you are my safe space and my home. It is an honor of mine that you are choosing to spend the rest of your life with me."

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