fool me twice, can't put the blame on you

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He pulled away and looked at her. "Calm down. You can't sound that shaky because he'll know something is up. If this ever got out, I already promised you I'd take the hit. You're okay." He assured.

"Take a deep breath and answer the call." He said soothing her.

Once she listened to him, she answered Steve's call. "Hey, Rogers."

"Stassie, where are you guys? We just got home and I can't find you."

"We went to the beach in the Hamptons, baby. We're okay. I'll be on my way soon, I should be home in give or take two hours." Stas replied.

"Okay. If you need anything, let me know. Love you." He said before she told him that she loved him back.

They hung up and she collapsed into Bucky's chest where he held her tightly.

"I'm a horrible person. So horrible." She breathed.

"No, you aren't. You're a person in love with her boyfriend and slowly falling for his best friend. You're conflicted as any normal person would be." Bucky reasoned.

She shook her head. "No, I'm a terrible, horrible, vile, awful person."

"What in the hell. You're literally none of those things." He laughed.

"I totally am." She sighed angrily and sat up to get out of the car.

Once again, he tugged on her arm making her look back.

"Stasia, no you aren't. I know you don't want to hurt Steve. He's the love and light of your life. Think of this for me though. You think he was this concerned about you and your feelings when he went much further with Sharon, not once but twice? " Bucky said studying her.

She let out a deep breath knowing he was 1000% right. She slightly smiled at him and turned to open the door.

"We should get going."


It was the longest and quietest two hour car ride she'd ever experienced. It was a silent car ride with two people with loud minds.

Stas pulled into her spot in the garage next to Wanda's car, put it in park and leaned back into her seat.

Through the windshield she watched the door knowing that on the other side was Steve and everyone else.

She swallow hard and let out a shaky breath. She felt so dizzy and didn't want to go inside. Bucky watched her process her thoughts from the passenger's side.

"Don't overthink it. They don't know a single thing. I won't say a word, I promise." He said gently.

Stas forcibly laughed. "I don't even want to go in."

Then she looked to her right to look at him.

"I don't regret what I did with you. I regret hurting myself and Steve's trust in me." She exhaled.

He slowly nodded letting her know he understood.

She watched him for a few more seconds and then get out the car. They walked in together and everyone said hi and greeted them.

Steve tilted his head when he noticed a shirtless Bucky and Stas wearing his shirt.

"What's going on here?" Steve laughed gesturing to them.

"Ohh my bikini top broke and he gave me his shirt so my.. ya know.. wouldn't be out and about." Stas chuckled telling the group.

Wanda looked at her as if she didn't believe her as the others chuckled at the story.

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