friendly or friends?

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5 hours into a 17 hour flight to Omsk,Russia, Steve and Stas haven't spoken a word to each other.

"Hey uh Steve" She broke the awkward stillness in the air.

It's getting close to lunch time and I found this menu behind my chair that we can order a little something from. Are you hungry too?" She asked politely.

She felt guilty for lashing out at him earlier but she didn't regret it. Not one bit. She had every right to not. "Yea uh thank you,Stark." She walks over and reaches her arm out with the menu in hand.

He looks up at her with a friendly smile and gently grabs it from her. They order grilled cheeses and end up sitting together again. "mmm lord whoever decided to put cheese on bread and toast it deserves heaven" She says while taking another bite.

He looks at her with a funny smirk chuckling before contributing.

"You really like grilled cheeses don't you?" "Like? No it's more like LOVE" she emphasized. "You can add guac or hot sauce or some meat in it, obviously not all together, that would be a disgrace."

"Oh because moaning while eating a grilled cheese isn't a disgrace?" He added laughing.

"Oh because moaning while eating a grilled cheese isn't a disgrace?" He added laughing

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"Oh shut it capsicle" Stas added while playfully hitting him with the cloth napkin. While the laughs slowly die down, she looks at him, still feeling bad for before. She wipes her hands and her mouth with the napkin before placing it back into her lap.

"Steve I uh just wanted to apologize for before. I could've gone about that maturely and I didn't." He looks at her with sorrow. "Stark, you have nothing to be sorry for. I was in the wrong." She stands up from her seat. "Can we be friendly again?" She sticks her hand out so he could shake it if he agrees.

He looks at her and chuckles. He gets up and puts her arm down. What's he doing? "No stark." "Too soon? My bad."

As she goes to turn away he interrupts her and grabs her hand. "Stark, no no you've got it all wrong. I was wondering if we could be friends." She looked into those blue eyes with a hint of green in them and giggled. "Alright Rogers, friends it is."

He goes to shake her hand but it then pulled into a hug by her. Hugging her waist he smiles. She pulls away.

 "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep and gain some beauty rest. See ya laterrr" "What so now we're friends and you wanna escape already? mmm I don't think soo" teased Steve. 

"Ha ha very funny. Fine i'll stay for an hour or two then i'm gonna hit the sack. Okay?" He nods in agreement.

"Okay perfect." With a glowing grin she heads back over to the lounge chairs and chose the one three feet in front of his.

"So mister, what do ya talk abouttt." "Anything you want to Stark."

"Well let's see i've known you for about two or three years and all we've done was bicker. Now I have the chance to talk to you hmmm where do I start?" He laughed it off but thought about what she had just said for a few seconds.

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