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"You have everything?" Steve looked back at Stassie who was dragging her third suitcase behind her.

"Hm?" She asked as she got closer to her car to pile in the bags with Steve. The flight was at 6am which meant they had to all leave the house no later than 2 am.

"Oh my sweet girl." Steve laughed a bit before taking her suitcase from her. "Are you sure you brought everything in these bags?"

"Mmhm" She mumbled tiredly. "Alright, Stark. Get in the passenger's side and recline the seat. Sleep until we get to JFK."

"Wait I didn't say bye to Pep and kiss Morgan goodbye." Stas ran back inside and then quickly came back out. 

Steve shut the trunk and Peter got in the back seat with Wanda and Sam.

Morgan was Pepper and Tony's daughter who was just recently born. Things seemed to be moving so quickly in this compound. Pepper insisted that she stay back with the baby so that Tony would not miss his sister's wedding. 

"I didn't think this 3 series would hold 6 suitcases" Steve laughed driving off with Tony's, Bucky's, Nat's and Quill's car following him out of the lit up driveway.

"Sta-" Sam began to say, trying to wake her up.

"No no. Let her sleep. She's been busy with wedding stuff and mission paperwork."

"She slept literally all day though I just wanna tell her about a funny commercial I saw." Sam frowned.

"She didn't sleep all day, c'mon" Steve chuckled.

"No she actually did." Wanda corrected. "There's no way that girl is still tired. She only sleeps that much when she- nevermind" Wanda stopped.

"When she what?" Steve asked while looking in the rear view mirror at her.

"I- no clue. I was thinking about something else."

"..Right" Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

Wanda swallowed hard and hid a small smile that creeped on her face.

"What're you hiding?" Peter whispered to her while Steve turned up the music in Stassie's car.

"She only sleeps that much when she's fighting nausea. Sleeping makes her ignore the horrible nausea feeling."

"So is she sick? How? That's horrible. She's literally getting married in three days."

"I think it might be a different type of sick." Wanda whispered back.

"Different type of- wait. You don't think that maybe she's-" Peter started to grin.

Wanda shrugged and held up crossed fingers with a smile.

"I brought tests for her because something told me to just in case."

They arrived at the airport and went to gate 4.

"There they are!" Coulson waved with Fury at the massive group that arrived at the gate soon after they did.

"Hi, you." Phil walked up to a tired Stassie. "You doing okay?" He asked.

"Never better." She exhaled while taking a sip of water from her glass tumbler.

She took a seat with Quill and Scott while others went to the bathroom, grabbed food and went for a walk around the terminal.

"You look like you don't feel too hot. Want me to go grab you a colder water? All your ice in that tumbler melted already and I think you could use some cool down." Scott offered.

She nodded. Any speaking would have made her throw up on the spot. "I'll grab you anti-nausea pills from the pharmacy right over there too. Plane rides freak me out as well. I could use those pills too." Scott chuckled.

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