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A shrieking morning alarm blares within the hotel room and wakes up Steve and Stas.

Stas groans while Steve shuffled onto the side of the bed and reaches to turn on the lamp. She looks over seeing what he's about to do and covers her face with the blanket so she can have time to adjust her eyes.

"God will you turn that alarm off already!" "You know, I always knew you weren't a morning person, but I didn't know you were this bad."  Steve adds falling back onto his bed after turning on the lamp and turning off the alarm.

"What time is it Cap?" 

"Time for you to get up missy." He gets up and sees her figure laying sideways on her bed underneath her blanket.

He sticks his pointer finger into her side causing her to let out a laugh and squirm. She takes the blanket off her face watching him advance towards the bathroom with a proud look on his face.

"So what, you made me laugh ooo big deal. Just because of what you did, coffee's on you this morning." "Sure Stark, whatever you say" He shuts the door to the bathroom.

Speaking louder so that he could hear her, "So Steve, whats on our itinerary for today?" Because of the closed door he sounded muffled but it was just enough so that she could still make out his words. 

"Well, we go find a gym, train a bit then do some research on where the three fugitives could be." "So no suit today is what I'm hearing? Correct?" 

"Nope. No suit." "Perfect"

She walked to her suitcase and kneeled down to unzip it. She puts on work out leggings and a tight work out shirt that made her feel confident. It was actually one of her favorite outfits to train in. She knocks on the bathroom door. 

"Steve you almost done? I need to use my hairbrush." "I'm not almost done but wait a sec." She hears him open up her toiletry bag on the counter and then close it up. He opens the door just enough, hiding behind it, with his arm sticking out holding her brush. She grabs it thanking him.

He closed the door and she walked over to the body mirror attached to the wall next to the dresser that held the tv. She separated her hair into two sections doing two french braids. He walks out a few minutes later smelling like a fresh shower. His blonde hair still damp. He wore a dark grey Under Armor training tee that and black pants.

 He wore a dark grey Under Armor training tee that and black pants

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"Ready to go?" He offered. "Yep." She pulls his and her phone off the charger and grabs the hotel room keys. They enter the hallway and she received a text from Tony.
Tony🤖: Good morning.  You guys alright? You should be on your way to training if I remember correctly.
Stassie♠️: Yep we're all set. We're gonna pick up a coffee then find a gym.
Tony🤖: Ok. And by any chance, have you spoken to Peter? He really wants to fix things.
Stassie♠️: um. No. Not yet.
Steve glances at her as they near the elevator. "Who are you texting this early in the morning? A boyfriend? Hmm"

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