T'was the night before...

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It's Christmas Eve morning and everyone was woken up bright and early by Anastasia.

"Wake up happy campers! Today there's a whole bunch to get done and fun cute things to do!! I made gingerbread chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of Christmas trees. Also there's some hot cocoa waiting for everyone at the table."

Steve grinned hearing his enthusiastic girlfriend over the intercom of the entire compound.

"Anastasia shut up!!" Wanda yelled loudly with a laugh from her room. Laughs from everyone's in their rooms were heard. They were all tired given it was only 8am.

Everyone in their pj's met up in the dining room with cheesy smiles for the breakfast in front of them and the holiday they were spending together.

Steve was grabbing some syrup from the refrigerator while others took their usual seats. Bucky slid out Stassie's chair for her so she could easily sit. With a confused expression and a slight smile, she looked back at him as he pushed in her chair with her in it.

"Thank you, Buck."

He nodded and sat beside her for the first time since they "broke up".

Steve watched this little moment happen yet chose to ignore it.

He walked back to the table and sat on the other side of her.

Stassie slid her hand into his under the table and shot him a kind grin.

"So what's on the itinerary for today, little Stark?" Scott questioned with a mouth full of pancakes already.

She giggled before responding. "Welllll, finish wrapping last minute gifts, do some extra baking for tomorrow, watch more movies and just prepare for tomorrow night's Christmas party."

"Baking?? More?? You're gonna make me gain 40 pounds by the end of the week." Thor joked.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Steve asked Stas with a smile.

"I'm so excited, I'm so overwhelmed but like in a good way if that makes sense." She scrunched her nose.

Everyone seemed to be having their own conversations. All except Bucky.

He wasn't ready to let her go the following morning. It was the right thing to do but he just wasn't ready.

She turned over to Bucky once Steve was having a conversation with Rhodey and Sam.

"Hey you." She smiled almost in a way if she wasn't sure if it was a right move or not.

"Hi, Stasia." He spoke softly. "I just wanna say that the other night I was a little ru-"

"It's okay, Barnes. We all have our moments. No need to feel bad, I understand things haven't been quite uh.. easy for us two."

She leaned the side of her head onto the palm of her hand from her elbow that rested on the table.

"That's no excuse for me. I'm sorry, Stasia. I really am."

She rubbed his leg tenderly assuring him that she was over it.

"I am too."

"For what?"


He knew what she meant.

"Don't ever be sorry for anything that made you happy."

"I like that. I like that a lot actually. Where'd you hear that?" She asked. 

"What do you mean? I just came up with that." He chuckled.

"Ohhh I'm sorry Mr. Shakespeare."  She giggled.

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