"god why are you so.. you"

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"Stas!" shouted Tony from down the hall connected to the hall that stored all the bedrooms.

It is 7 am, what does this man want?, thought Anastasia.

She wearily gets up in her grey joggers and a tee shirt she borrowed from Peter months ago, that she never felt the need to return.

With a heavy sigh, she hears another ear piercing "STAS" that shook off any excess drowsiness. "Geez Tony, I'm going, I'm going".

As she advances towards the room she heard Tony's voice then she hears footsteps coming from her backside.

While Anastasia turns her head to see who those footsteps belong to, she hears "No need to look back, just keep walking straight".

Out of all people that live in this tower, why is it that Steve always ends up where she was.

"Tony, my bestie and I wanna know why we were requested by you so early in the morning."

She used the word "bestie" to try and tick off Steve, but instead she was rewarded with a hidden smile and a slight chuckle that definitely was not meant for her to see.

With no words said from Tony yet, she walks over and leans on the back of a rollie chair with her legs and arms crossed, while a tall but sleepy Steve leans behind of the closed room door.

Steve noticed Anastasia's short patience for Tony not speaking and his head into whatever mission information he was reading.

"Tony, seriously wanna explain why we were called in?" Steve had broken the silence.

"Fury called." Tony responded with detectable hesitation in his voice.

"Okay? and? C'mon Tony, I didn't wake up this early in the morning with excitement to pull words out of your mouth. Let's go chop chop." Replied Stas with a distinguishable hustle tone.

"Chop chop? Really? Isn't that like 4th grade vocabulary?" interrupts a peeved Steve from across the room.

"God why are you so.. you" "What the hell is that supposed to mean Anastasia?"

"I'll tell you what the hell it's supposed to mean" retorted Stas as she moved swiftly toward Steve, raising her voice more with every word that slips out of her mouth, just as he had.

"ENOUGH!" The loud holler and the echoing thud of his glasses being slammed onto his desk, stopped Steve and Stas in their tracks.

The bitter gaze they held with each other fell as they turned their heads to look at Tony.

"This has to stop. At least for the next two weeks. Get a grip you two."

"Next two weeks, Tony what- what do you mean?" Steve replied  with a denial tone.

He looks back down at Stas, waiting for her facial expression to change so that he can know that she has pieced this situation together.

"Fury sent me details to a mission and the two names assigned to it were...you guys"

"Damn it" Steve and Stas said in unison.

"So you two need to grow up and get past this hot and cold relationship you have asap because you leave first thing tomorrow."

"TOMORROW? I- I mmm no there has to be someone else who can sub in for me. I don't wanna be with this old man whose mentality is stuck in another century. He HATES me Tony! How am I supposed to trust him with my life on a mission alone if I can't even trust that he's not gonna act out any time I walk into the same area as him?"

Due to the fact that Stas was now in front of him, she couldn't tell that Steve seemed a little taken back by the words that had slipped her mouth.

He couldn't believe that she couldn't trust him on a mission alone with him.

He wasn't gonna let it show though, he made damn sure of it.

"Well Tony, you heard your sister. Sub her out."

" No can do guys. Sorry but not sorry. You two need to learn how to be together without wanting to rip out each other's throats."

"Yea so uh i'm gonna sleep on this nauseating dilemma" stated Stas and she slowly backs out of the room, gesturing to down the hall where her bedroom is, ready to turn around and open the door.

"Guys this could be good for you two. Think of it as a retreat."

Chuckling in disbelief, rolling her eyes she replied, "yea, retreat".

With that, she opens the door allowing herself through, with just enough time to slam it behind her.

Well this'll be fun.

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