I'm not signing it.

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She woke up early in the morning with a dry throat and reached for her water. It then hit her. She was back in bed. Steve must've carried me here. She thought.

She sat up against her headboard to take a sip of her water when a sleeping figure on her bean bag caught her eye. Anastasia sighed while clenching her jaw. She slowly dragged her feet weakly and walked over to him.

"Steve. Hey, wake up." She said tapping his shoulder. She wished things were different. If they had been different she would've snuggled into him and remained there for the rest of the morning.

He jolted up "Hey, are you okay?" He asked looking her up and down frantically.

"I'm fine. Go to bed. There's still time for you to fall back asleep over there. I'll be okay here." Stas replied.

As much as she wanted him to stay there, she didn't want to look at him anymore. He frowned. 

"If you need anything, just come get me." He said sweetly while pushing himself off the large bean bag.

She nodded while sucking her lips in a little and rubbing the back of her stiff neck.

As she watched him walk out her room she felt empty. Numbness took over. She decided to follow him out and go to Peter's room.

"Following me?" He forcefully joked hoping to hear her laugh. He failed.

"No, just walking to Peter's." She replied with a straight and tired tone.  She knocked and heard him wake up.

"Come in, Stassie." He said clearing his raspy morning voice. She closed the door behind her and sighed. She leaned against it and he gestured for her to lie down next to him.

"You're strong. You'll be okay. I know you will." Peter said frowning as his best friend walked over to him. She laid down next to him.

"Peter, I would absolutely love a grilled cheese." She smiled. His facial expression went from frowning to 'really?'.

"Stas. It's freaking 6 something in the morning." After saying that, her stomach gurgled. Perfect timing.

She giggled. "There's absolutely nothing in my stomach right now." "You're lucky, I love you as much as I do." He grunted while sitting up from his comfortable queen sized bed.

She cheesed as she quickly tip toed following him out the room.

They went up the stairs to the kitchen where they found Bucky. Him sitting alone eating cereal at the island counter caught her off guard making her gasp.

" You scared the shit out of me!" She laughed while holding her chest. Peter laughed along with her as he walked to the refrigerator and cabinets to get things he needed.

"You look better than you did four hours ago." He chuckled. "I feel better, thank you for helping me and staying with me earlier." She smiled sitting into the chair next to him.

"Not a problem. How did uh things go after I left?" He looked at her while entering the spoon into his mouth. "Um. They were, interesting." "I bet." He smirked. He punched his arm playfully.

"Not interesting like that, Buck!" He chuckled and shrugged in defense.

After Peter made her grilled cheese he sat with her while she ate it. "Stassie, what're you thinking about?" He asked his best friend who was far into her thoughts. "Just stuff." "What kind of stuff?" He replied. "I miss him." She sighed.

"I know this sounds so dumb but I thought he was the one, ya know?" "There's a lot of fish in the sea, Stasia." He said rubbing her shoulder. She looked into his eyes and giggled.

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