hamptons and babies?!?

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24 hours. They all had 24 until something had to be done. Peter signed last night. Scott, Clint, Steve, Sam, Stas, Wanda and Bucky didn't sign it. They refused.

When Stas woke up she looked over and saw Steve sleeping like a baby and his hand was snaked around her. She smiled and laughed low to herself.

Carefully, she got up from the bed washing a vase in the bathroom sink that she could put the Dahlia flowers in.

As she was doing that, Steve woke up and watched her from the bed as the bathroom door was open.

He studied her gentleness with the flowers as if she were a florist. He got up and walked over to her. Steve stood behind her in the mirror of her vanity and slid his hand onto her hip. He rest his head on her shoulder. She spoke to him while leaning her head onto his.

"Good morning sleepy head." She said placing the flowers in the vase one by one.

"Good morning, love." He smiled. He saw her smile in the mirror. He went to kiss her and she put a finger to his mouth to stop him.

"You ready to give up and resist so easy?" She said smirking.

"Oh my. We're really still doing this?" He asked chuckling in disbelief.

"Yep." She said popping the 'P'.

"Shall we make rules?" She smirked twirled in his arm now facing him.

"Rules? Oh boy so we are really doing this." He laughed.

"Rules. Okay. Here we go. Teasing allowed, actually encouraged. Can be in public or when it's just us. Could be minor could be extreme. Let's see how far you can go." She said sexually whispering the last sentence in his ear causing him to take a deep breath.

"I'm gonna make this hard for you." He said looking down at her face which was just inches away from his now. She smirked once more.

"Oh trust me. I'll make it harder." She winked after looking down past his abs.

He stood there and bit his lip. He could have her there right now, but the game rules say otherwise. She wants to torture him, he could do it right back.

"Listen, Rogers, I have to get ready and so do you. We have to talk to Tony about this document. We need to find out our next move." She said walking over to the shower.

"Smart. Alright well-" Steve has stopped talking to look at what Stas was doing to him. She slipped off his shirt she wore and stood in her bra and underwear.

"Well, you gonna go to your room and take a shower or you gonna stand there gawking?" She smiled.

He stuttered "I- I'm gonn-"

Stas playfully shooed him out her bathroom so he could leave. She closed the door and giggled to herself.

This was fun. She thought.

She took her shower and wore a white tight tank top and black biker shorts since it was pretty hot out. She curled her hair lightly and threw a navy blue Yankees cap on.

Steve came back into her room when he was done. She stood leaning against her vanity counter in the bathroom applying lip gloss. He leaned in the doorway watching her.

Stas rubbed her lips together making a low popping noise. She then blew a kiss to Steve who laughed in return.

"I'm going to the meeting room, you coming?" He asked still leaning on the door frame. "Not yet. Going to Wanda's room first." She said with her mouth barely closing while she applied mascara.

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