answering our destiny

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The day before her birthday, she woke up sore. Thanks to Steve and all his crazy positions from the night before.

She woke up before Steve did and unsnuggled herself from his arms. Stassie watched him sleep for a few seconds and grinned.

He was so peaceful. And so damn beautiful.

Walking up to the bathroom she felt off. It wasn't the first time though. She noticed she'd been gaining some weight since going on birth control since finding out she can have her own babies.

Watching herself in the mirror, Stassie wasn't happy.  Her self image wasn't what she loved anymore.

Maybe going off birth control would be the solution. Just maybe.

"Good morning, love." Steve yawned, dragging his feet against the cold marble tile on the bathroom floor.

"Good morning, Steve-o" She automatically replied, still turning about in front of the mirror.

"What're you doing? Practicing dance moves?" He chuckled, grabbing his toothbrush from his drawer under the sink.

"Yeah, something like that." She smiled at him.

Stas turned around and grabbed the glass scale to step on and weigh herself. She had gained 9 pounds since getting on birth control.

"Steve?" She asked while he was now washing his face.

He hummed in response since he couldn't open his mouth unless he wanted soap foam to sink in his mouth.

"What do you think about me getting off birth control?"

Steve quickly rinsed his face, dried it with his towel and turned to her.

"Wait, actually?"

She nodded while putting the scale back into their skinny bathroom closet.

"Whatever you want, my love."

"Are you okay with it though?" She wondered.

"Of course."

Steve knew why she wanted to stop taking the pills but decided it wasn't something she'd want to speak about.

Hours later, Nat finally came home with Cosmo in her arms.

He was sleeping with soft and perfect little snores in his blanket.

"Oh my gosh, Nat. He's so precious. Cosmo is the perfect 50/50 of you two." Wanda smiled as the baby was placed into her arms.

"Why don't you go rest upstairs for a bit and we'll take care of him?" Rhodey offered to the exhausted couple.

"Would you guys be able to? I don't want your babysitting duties to start so soon." Nat chuckled. Bruce was setting up the baby bottles in the kitchen for the rest of the day.

"Of course!" Gamora exclaimed.

Stas and Clint went over to grab diapers, wipes, pacifiers and whatever else they thought they may need from the hospital bag they brought back.

In the main area was a soothing vibrating seat for the baby that they would use later on.

They all watched a movie together and Cosmo was now in Stassie's arms.

Steve was always in awe of how great Anastasia was with children.

He ended up wondering if she was that good because it was the treatment that was never given to her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Stas whispered to Steve with a giggle since she didn't want to distract anyone from the movie with her side conversation.

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