getting ready and touching up

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As they get off the elevator, Stas turns to Peter. "Hey Parker, before you head off into your room to get ready, give me MJ's number. I'll invite her to get ready with us girls. It'll be great to get to know her better."

Stas could tell them three getting along with MJ meant a lot to him so she was going to make it as easy as possible for her best friend.

"Really? Um yea sure here. Thank you, Stassie." She got MJ's number and texted her as she walked to her room with Wanda and Nat.

She wanted to avoid seeing everyone else for the first time since leaving the hospital bed. She wanted to look really awesome at the party for them.

Stassie♠️: Hi! It's Anastasia! I had Parker give me your number, hope that was okay :) Just wanted to let you know, you can come over now and get ready with us girls! Could be the perfect bonding experience before the party! I'll make sure F.R.I.D.A.Y let's you in <3
MJ☕️: Wow! Sure, I'd love to! Getting off of work at the diner now! Gonna grab my dress and things and head on over.
Stassie♠️: Awesome! so excited <3

She decided to hold off on getting ready until MJ got there. She sent Wanda and Nat to drop off their dresses in her room and for them to grab anything extra from their rooms now so they can remain in her room.

She started to play music to make the getting ready process fun.

She took out her flat and curling iron and blow dryer. She took out brushes, combs and hair sprays as well. She left all her makeup in the vanity drawers until she needed them later. 

Wanda and Nat come in with their bags and anything else they may have thought they may need for later. They dance around until there's a knock on the bedroom door. "That must be MJ!" Nat ran to the door.

"Hi! I'm MJ. Jarvis directed me to your room" She smiled and waved awkwardly. "Aw hi! Come in! I've heard so much about you!" Stas says grabbing her free hand and pulling her in the room.

"I've brought my things here in this bag and washed my hair quickly before leaving my place."

"Not a problem! I can blow dry it for you and do whatever you like to it! You can do your makeup or we can even do it for you while I do your hair!" Wanda said excitedly.

MJ laughed "Sure. Thank you. You guys can do my makeup if you'd like! It seems like you guys are really excited!" She added.

"Awesome! Let's sit you on the bench over here and I'll do your makeup while Wanda begins on your hair!" Nat said dragging MJ to the the bathroom where the vanity was.

Stas stayed in her room laughing at the sight in front of her.

She begins to open her dresser drawers looking for a strapless bra to wear with her dress. Once she found one, she walks over to her sliding closet and scans the shelves for the perfect heels to wear.

She was stuck between two pairs. She put a pair in each hand and turned around at the bathroom where the door was open as they helped MJ.

"Guys! Help! Pair one or pair two?" All three of the girls in front of her shouted "Pair two!!" As she's setting all four of the girls' dressed nicely onto her bed to set up she had a thought.

"Guys!! It's only 6! Let's invite Jane!" "Good idea!" Said Wanda. She took out her phone to text Thor.

Stassie♠️: Hey Thor! On your way back to the tower, just bring Jane along with you! She can get ready with us girls here!
Thor🔨: How kind of you. I'll let her know now. We should be at the tower in about 15 minutes. Could she borrow one of your dresses so she doesn't have to stop at her place?
Stassie♠️: Of course!

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