Don't disappear on me

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For bunch the three ladies went out to eat.

"Three mimosas please! Oh wait never mind make that two." Stas asked the waiter, forgetting Nat was pregnant.

"Two? Wait. Which one of you is making me an aunt?" Yelena sung.

Stas pointed to Nat and giggled.

"No way!! I'm gonna sing to it." Yelena said moving her face next to the the belly that was starting to show.

" So bye-bye miss American Pie drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry." Yelena started.

"and then good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing this will be the day that I die!" Anastasia finished.

Nat looked at her two favorite women and smiled as she took in the moment.

"I never thought I'd have this." Nat confessed.

"Have what?" Lena asked.

"Have my first family back together."

Stas pouted and said "Aww".

"Lena, when did you.. escape or was it when Steve and I went on the mission?" Stas asked hesitantly.

"I never got out on my own. Only got out when you came." Yelena informed.

"We looked for you, when we got out." Nat told her.

Stas swallowed hard, remembering the that era in her life.

"It's okay. That doesn't matter." Yelena smiled.

Stas examined her and genuinely smiled with eyes that smiled along as well. She was in amazement that Yelena, the first person who taught her about family, sat in front of her again.

"So tell me, Stark, how did you land the Steve Rogers?" Yelena asked while raising an eyebrow.

Nat forcibly laughed out loud. "It's more like he landed her. They hated each other so much, you wouldn't believe it." Nat affirmed.

"Hated each other? You're right. I don't believe it." Yelena added puzzled.

"Yeah, she's right. Him and I couldn't even be in the same room without arguing. We ended up on every nerve the other had. That subsided when we went on that mission and returned home." Stassie smiled.

"Really? That's adorable." Yelena said.

"And you? I have a question for you." She turned to Nat.

"Yes?" Nat chuckled.

"Why are you a poser? Actually both of you are posers." Yelena called them out sarcastically.

"What?!" Stas laughed.

"You both do this thing right before you're ready to fight, it's disgusting." Lena chuckled.

"My god, I feel attacked." Nat said as she rubbed her pregnancy belly and giggled.

Yelena smiled. "Boy or girl?"

"He's a boy." Nat stated cheesing.

"Have you come up with any names?" Stassie asked, taking a sip of her mimosa.

"Bruce likes Hulk, shocker." Nat rolled her eyes. "Peter likes the name Peter, again, shocker." She chuckled.

"I'm thinking.. Cosmo."

"That's such a cute name! Love that!" Stas exclaimed to Nat.

"Wait a minute.. are you married?!?" Yelena asked Stassie as she viewed the promise ring on her finger.

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