the waiting game

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A few weeks go by and Stas and Steve's relationship couldn't be better. Bucky and Stas haven't spoken much since that night, only a few friendly conversations here and there.

Anastasia missed Bucky a whole lot but she couldn't make that obvious. She had a sense of comfort now that Wanda knew about the whole situation.

Within the last few weeks, everyone that still lived in the tower moved in. Even Gamora now shares a room with Quill.

"Stassie!" Peter called from the arcade/game room.

"Parker!" She responded, laying down next to Steve in bed.

"Come here!" Peter commanded.

"I was literally getting ready to go to sleep." Stas mumbled while slipping out from under Steve's arm and looking at the time on her phone.

12 am.

"This kid must be out of his mind if he thinks I'm gonna play games at midnight." She groaned.

Steve got up from the bed too and followed her. "It'll be fun." Steve smiled.

She grinned knowing he was walking behind her.

When they walked out their bedroom, Stas looked down to the living room that was two flights of stairs below them. She watched Bucky come in the house with a girl.

Her face dropped a little then furrowed her eyebrows. "You alright?" Steve asked behind her.

"I'm fine." She said eyeing Bucky and the girl from up above.

Steve examined her with a puzzled look but disregarded it quickly. They found their way to the arcade room where Peter was playing a game with MJ.

"Oh my god! MJ! I haven't seen you in SOOO long." Stas said walking quickly over to them.

"I know! How've you been?!"

"Hanging in there." Stas giggled. "I felt that." MJ nodded.

"We playing games or what?" Steve said chuckling over to the air hockey table.

"It's on Rogers." Peter said getting up.

"Oh boy. Here they go." Stas said next to MJ on the couch, watching their boyfriends play a child's game.

An hour goes by and the girls fall asleep next to each other on the mini sofas in the game room.

"Alright, you win, Parker." Steve said in defeat. "I'm gonna bring this big baby up to bed." He laughed, picking up Stas.

He left the room with a groggy Stas in his arms. "Steve?" Stas asked, slowly opening her eyes to adjust them to the hallway wall light.

"Yes?" He looked down at her tanned face from the summer sun.

"Are you..tired?" She asked smirking.

"Not really. You?"

"I could use a shower." Anastasia admitted.

"You just took one like four hours ago" He chuckled.

"Yea but that one was alone."

He looked back down to her and stopped in his tracks. "We've never done that before." He grinned.

"I say we put our shower bench to good use tonight." She giggled.

Steve bit his lip lightly and placed her down in front of their bedroom door. As soon as her bare feet hit the floor, Bucky's room door opened two doors down.

They looked over and saw the girl leaving his room, heels in hand and messy hair. He stood shirtless, almost hidden by the doorframe.

"Bye." The nameless girl said slowly and in a forced "sexy" tone making Steve and Stas cringe.

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