fights require a make up

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Stassie's POV:

What the hell? Why does he need me to go downstairs right now?

This hangover is starting a little too early based on how dizzy I already am. I turned on my lamp on my nightstand and it was too bright. Thank god for dimmers.

As soon as I stood up from the bed and waddled over to my slippers, that usual pounding headache began.


I walked about 60 feet from our bed in our bedroom and opened the door to the hallway.

There Bucky stood.. almost out of breath.

The music was still loud as could possibly be and blaring.

"What the- Are you okay?"

Third person POV:

Ignoring her, Bucky walked right past her and into the room. She cleared her throat and then slowly shut the door behind her.

"Bucky? Hello? Are. You. Okay?" She spaced out her words with concern.

"Sharon knows."

"Huh? I need more context."

"She heard Peter and Wanda talking about the conversation you and I had. Stasia, I don't trust her to not tell Steve. I'm just- I'm so sorry."

"Wait wait wait, what? How? I- Bucky you need to go so I can talk to Steve before-" She was cut off by a voice behind them.

"Before what? Before Sharon tells me herself?" Steve spoke up with a quiet voice that flooded with anger.

Anastasia painfully shut her eyes not wanting to turn around and face the one true love of her life.

"Bucky can you leave so I can speak to Anastasia?" Steve more commanded than asked.

"Steve I really think we should all-"

"JESUS CHRIST BUCKY GET THE HELL OUT!" Steve yelled and slammed his hand on top of his dresser.

Stas jumped at the sudden noise and opened her eyes up again. By the time they opened, Bucky was already getting up to walk out.

Stas turned around and Steve followed him to lock the door after Bucky was gone.

"You gonna start talking or are we just gonna stand here staring at each other." Steve raised an eyebrow and clenched his jaw.

There was about ten feet now of tension filled space in between them.

"Steve I don't even.. I don't know how to start."

"Figure it out." He sighed heavily.

She hasn't seen him this angry ever before. At least not towards her, however, she knew he had every right.

"Steve, I love you, so much." She started off in a whisper. It wasn't on purpose but she could feel her voice breaking in her dry and tight throat already.

Her brown eyes focused on his knuckles that were clenched at his sides and turning white with the more frustration that engulfed him.

"Oh for fucks sake." He hissed. "You clearly don't." He continued.

That last sentence stung her right in her chest. Her lip trembling, she said "Are you kidding me? I would give up anything and everything just for you. Steve, I would die for you in the most horrific way without taking another thought."

Her dizziness came back reminding her how drunk she was. Stas took a wobbling seat right in the middle on the floor.

"You would give up anything for me? You expect me to believe that while Bucky is somehow still in the picture even AFTER we got engaged? Anastasia you are truly unbelievable." His fingers roughly pushed his floppy blonde ish brunette ish hair back.

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