Just us

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6 weeks go by, Wanda and Stas have ultimate cabin fever thanks to everyone who won't let them leave the perimeters.

Stassie and Bucky were in the theater room with Peter, Wanda and Yelena.

"I've got to get out of here. I'm gonna go crazy any day now."

"Same here." Wanda threw her head back against the leather cushion of the recliner chair.

"These guys aren't even around thanks to you." Stassie smiled to Bucky. "Why is it still not "safe" to go out?"

Bucky exhaled and put his arm around her. Her legs were already swung onto his lap.

"It's not that it's not "safe" it's that you out of all people, shouldn't be going out soon. It's been one things after another with you, and we're trying to keep you out of any more surgeries, understand?"

"First time, I saved hundreds of girls, second time, It's because I didn't do PT, third time, attack. Only one of those was because I wasn't aware of my surroundings. I'll be fine." She promised.

"I don't know, Stassie. Mr. Stark doesn't want you leaving here any time soon."

"I'm an adult. My brother can't be ordering me around." She said coldly, staring at the ceiling.

"First he thinks he can boss me around all on top of me and Steve fighting constantly." Stas rolled her eyes.

"Yea, actually, what's all the fighting about? You guys haven't seemed 'okay' lately." Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh, I don't even know. It's been so many little things. Sharon, me not going out, him being tired from covering me from all my missions I'm supposed to be doing which leads to him not being free as much, attitude issues, honestly I can go on and on."

"That sounds.. pleasant." Yelena added sarcastically.

"It's so draining. It's like we've time traveled back 8 months to where we can't stand each other." She frowned.

Yelena stared at Stassie sweetly, knowing she needed to get out of the house. Everything was slowly becoming boring to her, even as much as she adored everyone who lived with her.

"How about we brainstorm what we're going to do for Halloween?" Yelena suggested.

Anastasia sprung up from her slumped position and her eyes lit up.

"Let's throw a massive party. Everyone dresses up. It'll be mandatory!" She shouted.

"How- how'd you do that? I've been trying to get her that excited for weeks now" Peter admitted with a shocked voice.

Yelena and Wanda both laughed. "C'mon, Parker. You should know by now the idea of a party gets her excited."

"Yea yea whatever" Peter laughed. "I have to go, I have plans to eat lunch with MJ."

"You just reminded me! I have to take Nat, shopping for the nursery stuff." Yelena added as she and Peter got up.

"I wanna start training again, so I'll go do that." Wanda said putting her lips together. She purposely wanted to leave Bucky and Stassie alone since they haven't really had alone time in a while.

"You haven't trained yet? I go 5 times a week! You should start coming with me!" Stassie offered.

"That sounds awesome. Just let me know when you go." Wanda smiled before closing the theater door behind her.

Bucky looked at Anastasia with a smile that even made his eyes twinkle a little.

Stas smirked and squinted her eyes. "What's that look for?"

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