Halloween pt.2

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"Sure, what's up?" She asked, smile on her face, not even thinking about the fact that he was about to bring up Bucky.

"Sharon told me you and Bucky disappeared for a little, now, I trust you. I do more than anyone else. I just wanna make sure he wasn't trying anything with you. If he was, you could tell me."

Her eyebrows creased and she shook her head. "What? No, not at all. I took him away to talk to him about Sharon. Nothing happened."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I know Sharon has a history and tendency to lie."

Stas could tell he was having trouble believing her but she didn't want to deal with it at the moment. She wanted to live the night away with her friends and boyfriend.

"C'mon, Steve. Let's go have fun." She winked and dragged him to the dance floor.

They shuffled over to the main area, hand in hand, dancing as much as they could.

The energy of everyone was through the roof. No issues were in that careless kind of hers tonight.

She danced in front of Steve who had his hands on her waist as her back faced his chest. She swayed in his arms, seductively and playfully grinding her hips. Her arm was stretched behind her and around his neck, dragging itself down his chest.

An enthusiastic Wanda and Vision approached them and danced with them as the music blasted through the room.

The lights with colorful flashes, made the party give the same feel as a club.

Anastasia turned to face Steve and smiled.

His face was the one she cherished the most.

"I love you." She mouthed.

"Forever and always." He mouthed back.


The party died down around 2 am and most of the others went to sleep.

Stassie sat on the counter, hands on the edge, swinging her feet. Yelena say besides her with her head leaning on her older sister figure.

Steve was helping Sam, Tony, Thor and Peter clean up the aftermath of the party.

"This baby really won't let me sleep. I'm only five months, almost six. I can't do this for another three." Nat sighed. She sat at the counter high chairs where they sometimes ate breakfast.

"You're gonna be fine. Once you see that little face of his, you're gonna know how worth it all of this was." Wanda assured.

"I can't wait to meet my nephew." Yelena yawned.

Stas giggled as her yawn blew a little wind through side strands of her hair.

"Alright, Lena. Let's get you to bed."

Once Stas brought Yelena up to her room, she found herself back downstairs in the kitchen. She pulled her body back onto the countertop to sit.

"When is Bruce gonna pop that question!!" Stassie whisper shouted with a grin.

"Stark, I've been trying to figure that out myself." Nat laughed out.

"How about the nursery? How's that coming along?" Wanda asked, taking a bite of the left over chips and dip from the party.

"We're almost done. We just have to build the diaper changing station and then it's all set. I almost cried the other day, sitting in there- taking it all in."

"Aww!" Wanda and Stas reacted in unison.

"Are you and Vis thinking about it?" Nat turned to Wanda, rubbing her baby bump in little circles.

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