stupid and insane

225 11 1

Steve's pov:

It's been 8 hours and Wanda isn't awake yet. Stassie just got out of surgery and now we're all waiting in the waiting room. I find myself in here way too often.

Loki explained to me the background of these attacks. He wanted to warn me that it could me Clint, Scott, Bucky, Sam or even me next.

As much as I wanted to care about that, I couldn't. The love of my life once again fights for her life in a hospital bed.

All she wanted was a little get away from our unconventional lives with me. Why did I allow her to go out today?

I could've prevented all of this by just simply asking her to stay home with me and pack our bags. She could be laughing and dancing around right now instead of having post-op care for internal bleeding, and wounds.

Tony, being the protective older brother he is, went out and caught the guys that were responsible for this.

He hasn't said anything since he got back but then again, no words have been said in the last 8 hours.

There were some scarce sniffles and clearing of the throats throughout but nothing else.

My leg bumped up and down as I anxiously bit my nail. I want- no. I need to hear my girl's voice again. I need to hear her say my name.

Why couldn't I be there to protect her? I know she can fend herself and according to the report that Tony brought back, Stassie did a good enough try.

A while later, Bruce finally walks out and we all stand up.

His deep breath tells us we weren't about to hear some pretty good news.

"They're both in stable condition. They may wake up tomorrow, they may wake up in a week. It's all up to how their bodies respond to the rapid treatment I have them on."

Coma. Awesome. How fan-fucking-tastic.

"Why not now,Bruce? You telling me you didn't do everything you could?" Tony spoke violently and walked towards him.

I watched as Pepper and Rhodey held him back a few feet to calm him down.

"They'll be fine. These girls.. these girls are stronger than most of us. If anyone can get through this, it's them." Scott assured with a raspy voice.

"He's right. They'll be just fine. They're in the best hands." Nat said as she brought her gaze onto Bruce.

I stood there, arms crossed as I leaned upon the wall. I averted my eyes to Bucky who sat on the floor, curled up, alone.

Why did he have to go to her rescue? Why not me? How come I'm somehow never there when she needs me?

"We all have to be careful. We're now on under the watch of some obviously extremely dangerous individuals. We all stay inside the compound until the city authorities and responders take care of the rest of the group." Peter shakily spoke.

I feel for him. We've all endured awful shit and I think people around here seem to forget that he's just a kid.

He's seen his best friend not once, not twice but now three times on the verge of dying. He's lost his parents, uncle, aunt and childhood.

I think that's how Peter and Stassie bonded in the beginning, pain and loss. She understood him in ways no one else could and vise versa.

"Stay inside? Are you kidding me? We almost just lost two of our own and now you want to play it safe? I say we go after the rest of these guys ourselves. We plan accordingly and best as possible. We get this shit done for them." Sam spat as he pointed to the two rooms that held Wanda and Stas.

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