digging deeper

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While the girls were upstairs catching up, Steve and Sam were downstairs in the lounging room that had massive sofas and massive fuzzy bean bags and a sheet to project movies and shows onto.

They had been catching up and talking about whatever came to their mind. With Bucky not in Steve's life, Sam was Steve's right hand man.

"So what happened out there, man? Are you ready to talk?" "Yea,I think so. Um so, Stas and I became really close." Sam looks at Steve shocked. "I know right, it wasn't something I expected to happen. But man she's brave, strong, intelligent, determined, funny, beautiful and just so much more. I saw that girl throw up for days nonstop due to food poisoning and no matter what I said, nothing was going to make her come home. Hell, if that were me, I would've gone home and had someone sub in for me. She fought until she couldn't anymore. If it weren't for her,Sam,that mission wouldn't have been successful. She was shot by Boskow, Dreykov's side man who ran the Red Room after he was killed by Nat and Barton. She was fading and I was loosing her fast, like really fast. Hearing her broken up voice asking me to take her home as her hand was on the side of my face created this empty feeling within me. I came up with the only solution I could and that was Strange. I know her and I only became close within a little over a week but watching life slowly drain from her pained me in a way I still don't know how to explain." Sam looked at him.

"You think she's beautiful huh?" He grinned.

"Wow dude that's the only thing you took from that?" "No of course not Rogers

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"Wow dude that's the only thing you took from that?" "No of course not Rogers. But that was a pretty good key detail."

"How do you mean?" "I mean the only other girl you've ever described like her was Peggy and boy oh boy did you love Peggy." "What're you trying to say Sam?" "I don't know man. Do you feel something for the little Stark?"

Right as Steve was about to respond, Nat walked in. "Hey boys, Steve I was wondering if you could make a little breakfast for Stas while I go train? She hasn't eaten anything, the poor girl must be starving." "Oh yea yea for sure. I'll be right out."

Nat leaves as Steve starts to walk out. "Rogers, we're not done with this conversation you hear me?" Uhh seems about done to me!"

He shouts as he jogs into the hall. He went into his room,grabbed his car keys and headed out of the tower. He drove to a nearby starbucks and ordered a Venti iced matcha latte and two warmed up chocolate croissants for Anastasia. He paid, got back in his car and drove back to the tower.

As he gets out of his car he felt his phone buzz in his side pocket of his shorts. He unlocked his phone and read the text message.
Stassie♠️: Hey Capsicle! Weren't you supposed to make me some food, a girl gets shot and forgets to be fed haha!!
Steve🇺🇸: Hold your horses, I'm going to your room now. A girl gets shot and becomes too demanding!
He gets into the elevator and take it straight up to the recovery floor. He knocked on her door and he heard a sweet voice respond, "come in!".

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