Here comes the bride

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Her heart was pounding as her lip quivered with a grin. She swallowed and sniffled then quickly nodded.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"

Steve smiled so large that all his pearly whites showed. He wiped his tears that somehow escaped and got up off his knee. Stassie ran into his arms before he even had the chance to slide the ring onto her finger.

Cheers and whistles were launched all around the room. Everyone was hugging and clapping as if it were New Year's and the ball dropped in Times Square.

Anastasia and Steve were holding onto each other so tight and so long, everyone thought the two would never let go.

Once Stas pulled away she let Steve take her left hand into his hand ever so gently. She was still shaking from the moments prior. This was everything she'd ever fantasized and daydreamed about.

She couldn't begin to wrap her head around the fact that Steve truly wished to spend the rest of his life with her every single day.

Steve was thrilled about it all.

He finally asked her and Anastasia actually said yes! Life couldn't possibly get any better than this for him.

Steve's smiled hadn't even faded a tiny bit. His cheeks were starting to hurt from how much he was grinning.

He slid the ring onto her finger and it was a perfect fit.

Once she was able to really look at the ring, her brown eyes widened. Stassie let out a gasp that almost made her stop breathing.

"Steve.. this ring.. I- I love - Steve, it's beautiful."

Her mouth wasn't able to close due to how speechless she had been in that moment.

Her right hand was over her chest in awe.

Steve pulled her in from under her chin and kissed her lips slow and hard.

"I adore you so much more than you know, Stassie.." He whispered.

Wanda, Yelena, Gamora and Nat all came over to her with ecstaic emotions. They yanked Anastasia into a group hug away from Steve.

All of the guys that were were close with Steve such as Sam, Tony, Clint, Scott, Bruce, Thor and Quill pulled him with them and did their celebration jumps, hugs and hollers.

It would be a few minutes before Stassie realized that Bucky was nowhere to be found.

By the bar area, the girls were all looking at the ring and squealing.

"Sooo!! How do you feel, Mrs. Future Anastasia Rogers??!" Wanda giggled, not taking her eyes off the most flawless ring she'd ever seen.

"I feel so over the moon, holy shit. Like, holy shit." Stassie laughed. "I am engaged to Steve Rogers, the absolute love of my life, America's poster boy and little kid's favorite superhero. Holy shit."

"Also, America's ass." Nat joked.

"This ring is literally beyond compare. He did so good." Yelena added.

"We have to start planning this wedding! Are you gonna retire soon? Are you guys gonna have babies? What color would the nursery be?" Nat and Wanda started to bombard with questions.

"Woah woah. She literally just got engaged, give her a second to process." Peter chuckled. "Congratulations, little Stark." He smiled before embracing his best friend.

"Thank you, Spidey-boy." Stassie mumbled into his shoulder.

They all started to talk and Anastasia looked around. She furrowed her eyebrows as she came to the realization that Bucky was no longer there.

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