50 shades of red and pink

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Anastasia's smile lit up the room even with her being in a hospital bed and hooked up to machines.

"Surprisingly, I sure did." He chuckled. "Well before I go and give you two time to talk, do you mind telling me how you guys became so.. tolerant of each other?" Asked Tony.

"Well, um we had a mini quarrel before we even took off from the tower," She laughed while looking over at Steve so he could finish the story. "Then we were kinda of forced by a 17 hour flight to learn to be around each other. The real icing on the cake was the one room in the hotel we were forced to share." He laughed.

"You guys are able to live in one room together?!?" Asked a shocked Tony. "Unfortunately yes." Stas laughed so hard that she began to cough and not catch her breath. "Hey hey here have some water."

Steve went over to her bedside and picked up her cup of water so she could have a sip. Steve placed his hand on her forehead and stroked his thumb onto her hair to provide comfort while she drank her water. Tony noticed and furrowed his eyebrows trying to piece the situation that was happening together before his eyes.

"Alright well Stas if you need me I'll be around." She nodded and gave her brother a warm smile. Tony walked out and shut the door behind him.

 "So Capsicle, what's newww?"

 "I wouldn't know Stas, I've been in hiding in my room." "You've avoided everyone since we got here? Why?"

 "Because the one person I wanted to catch up with and talk to underwent surgery and decided to not wake up for 18 hours."

"You waited for me? To wake up to then talk to the rest of them?" "Yep." "Aww Steve-o! That's so cute and sweet" "He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

 "Stas, I'm so sorry. I should've pushed you out of the way more. I feel terrible." He added while looking down. "Hey, it's not your fault you old man." She chuckled.

"We did it. We took them down and the Red Room is no longer in function, Steve. We did perfect. Anddd I couldn't have done it without you." She looked up at him and pursed her lips while taking her index finger to "boop" his nose when saying "without you."

He returned her smile. "Thank you for bringing me home Steve-o." She said quietly moving her hand to the side of his face to then ruffle his hair. He looks at her with glistening eyes, eyeing her face up and down with a friendly smirk.

How did she manage to still look beautiful with blood stained messy hair and bruised face.

He thought to himself. She had never seen him this way before. He's adorable with that soft blonde hair and puppy blue eyes. He's so sweet and - oh no no I can't go down this road. no no. She thought.

He placed his hand over hers that was on his face and interlocked it with his. He brought their hands down beside her onto her blanket and just held it. The moment was perfect.

"What're you doing later, Stas?" 

"Other than sitting here hooked up to these wires? Mmm not much probably." She snickered. 

"How about later, I bring up some movies and grilled cheeses that I made." "You made me grilled cheeses? Capsicle UGH you are now my favorite person ever." 

"Good , that's the way I prefer." He joked while smiling and looking her face up and down again. He gets up and looks at the time. People were gonna wanna come in here and see how she's doing.

"Stassie, I better get going, okay? I'm sure everyone else wants to see you too." She slightly frowned at the sight of him leaving into the doorway.

 "You promise you'll be back later right?" "I pinky promise." "I'll see you later old man." "Bye Stas."

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