happy birthday, Rogers pt2

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*warning: blood!*
Stas shook off any emotions from the last few minutes and walked outside to the massive crowd that was dancing, eating and drinking. This was definitely the biggest bbq she'd ever attended well, hosted.

"I heard I was needed?" She said smiling and walking over to Steve and some of the others.

"Yes! I need you as my beer pong partner." Steve said hugging her side.

"Not fair. She's my best friend, I've never lost a game because of her." Peter laughed.

"She is good, that I remember well." Rhodey added.

"Rhodes!" She exclaimed. He walked over to her and gave her a quick hug. "It's been a while." He smiled.

"What about me?" Nat grinned from the other side of the table.

"Nat! Hey, wait you can't play! You have something cooking up in there." Stas said pointing to Nat's stomach.

"I know I know. I'm gonna ref these games." Nat said taking a sip of water.

"You ready to win, Steve-o?" Stassie grinned while grabbing the beer pong ball.

After ten short rounds of endless winning for Steve and Stas, they took a break and ate some more food that Scott and Clint had grilled up.

Bucky came outside after an hour and Stas had wondered what he'd been doing. Was he sitting all by himself inside?

"Hey, Stassie girl." Sam whispered as he lightly tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at him and he gestured her to follow. She left the group to chat and joke around.

Stas followed Sam to the kitchen and he opened the refrigerator.

"I assume you want to do the honors?" He asked smiling while carefully dragging out the cake into his hands.

"Yes, please!" She said holding out her arms to carry the large cake.

As soon as Sam put the cake in her arms she was welcomed by a sharp pain her her side that made her wince. "Woah, you good?" Sam said worried.

"All good." She smiled.

What the hell was that? She thought.

Sam put the birthday candles on the cake and lit them up. From inside the compound, he turned off the yard lights outside and stopped the music.

She walked out slowly to make sure the candles didn't go out. As soon as Sam slid open the sliding door she began to sing. "Happy birthday to you..."

Everyone else starting to sing along as Stas placed the large cake onto the table.

Steve walked over to the table and stood behind to he was presented to the whole crowd that gathered for him.

He snaked his arm around Stas' waist and watched her sing happy birthday with a genuine happiness and joy of being there.

Once the song was over, he bent down and blew out the candles which caused a mass applause from everyone.

He stood back up and kissed Stas.

"Happy birthday, baby." She whispered against his lips.

"I'm so damn lucky." He mumbled before kissing her again.

"Aww" spread out through the crowd as they watched Stas and Steve.

"Okay okay! Cut the cake! Turn the lights and music back on!! Let's get this thing going again!" She laughed.

When the cake was cut she sat down on Steve's lap and joined him speaking with the others. Rhodey, Loki, Bucky, Vis, Sam, Clint and Scott all sat around.

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