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They sat down next to next other while Stas stared at the wall and Bucky watched her. She was so deep and focused in her thoughts, processing what she finally admitted to him.

"You doing okay? You're gonna stare a hole into that wall." Bucky said, pulling her out of her own mind.

"Can we forget that conversation happened? Please?" She asked heavily.

"I don't want to though."

"But why?"

"Why? Because the girl I fell in love with partly loves me back."

She nervously bit her lip. "This whole thing is exhausting." She said quietly.

"Maybe. Listen, this isn't going to be easy at all and I won't try to pull you away from him."

"Why do I sense a "but" coming?" She asked.

"There isn't one. I meant what I said."

Stas sadly smiled at him and brought her knees to her chest and placed her chin in between to look at him.

He sadly smiled back to her and took a deep breath.

"You hungry?" She asked him.

"Not really. Are you?"

"Not really." She giggled.

"So why'd you ask?" He laughed confused.

"I'm not sure how to transition from our serious conversation before to something lighter and that was the first thing that popped into my head." She laughed.

"Well you did a horrible job." Bucky chuckled then grinned at her. The way she looked at him was adorable in his eyes. He could tell that she loved being around his presence.

Bucky looked down at her lips and looked to her eyes that were already waiting to meet his.

"No no. Don't do that."

"Fine, I won't." He said looking away from her eyes then back down at her lips.

"That's not what I meant!" She laughed and punched his arm.

He smirked and leaned closer to her. "This is gonna hurt isn't it?" He said looking back into her eyes that fluttered around his whole face.

"You kissing me? No it shouldn't. But if you're talking about us.. then yeah. I have a feeling it's going to hurt a ton."

"I'll make sure it's me who ends up carrying the baggage." He assured.

"Can you stop talking?" She laughed.

"Gladly." Bucky said pushing his lips against hers. He laid on top of her, spread her legs and she wrapped them around him.

"I can't sleep with you." She mumbled as she pulled away.

"That's fine. There won't be much sleeping anyways." Bucky smirked.

"I'm serious, Buck. I've already done enough damage. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna go for a drive alone. I need to clear my head." She said in a dry tone and slipped her body out from under his.

"Stasia" Bucky called her her as she exited the room.

She grabbed her keys angrily and began to walk towards the door to the garage. "I can't let you leave. You're a hothead right now."

"You say it as if I were asking." She spat.

"I genuinely don't understand you." He said clearly annoyed with his hand out.

"What is it exactly that you don't understand?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You. How you go from wrapped your legs around me to storming out and ignoring me. I get it. You don't have it exactly easy right now because of me and Steve and all of that- okay? I get it. Don't take it out on me though."

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