puppies and adoption

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At breakfast on the boardwalk, the crew was waiting for Stas and Steve's arrival. They were so exciting and hoping the night before had been perfect.

In the distance, Clint noticed the two walking over. "Guys, there they are!" He stated excitedly.

Everyone sitting at the table turned around or faced to where Clint was pointing to. "Oh yes yes! Everyone stay calm!" Scott gushed.

Wanda looked over to Scott and laughed at the irony.

Finally, Steve and Stassie walked over to the table. They looked numb and frustrated. All of the happy and excited expressions of the people sitting, dropped.

The two looked around analyzing the shocked and puzzled faces on the group. Stas looks over at Steve and giggles. "You want to tell them or should I?"

Steve took her hand and looked at the group. "Guys.. meet my girlfriend!"

Sighs of relief were heard all throughout the restaurant. "NOT funny you two!" Wanda said point her finger at them.

"Yea, for real. I got scared I was gonna have to pick sides." Sam joked.

"So, it went well?" Bucky asked with a forced smile. "Yep, this one's mine." Steve chuckled while looking Stas up and down.

Stas looked back at Bucky who seemed disappointed. She gave him a puzzled look as she took a seat at the table.

"Wait until, your brother hears about your guy's relationship, Stassie." Clint laughed.

"Oh. That conversation is gonna be heaven sent." She joked.

"I was um, I was actually thinking we could go back tomorrow." Stas cleared her throat.

Everyone looked up at her at the same time without a word said.

"I know we were told to lay low but maybe they miss us?" She muttered.

"They don't miss us. They don't need us now. We didn't get what we wanted. Let's use this little break away from reality for a little longer." Sam said.

"He's right. I know you don't wanna hear that, but he is." Wanda added softly.

Stas bit her lip as she heard them speak. "They chose a document over us. We're still the ones who didn't sign away our freedoms. Let's use our freedom to stay here a while longer, kiddo." Clint laughed while rubbing her shoulder.

"Yea, I guess so." She said back softly with a slight smile.

"Let's go water skiing today!" Laura exclaimed.

The rest agreed with her while Stas' thoughts were someplace else. The group continued to talk as Steve noticed the silence radiating from his girlfriend. He took her hand that was in her lap and caressed it.

"Hey, where are you?" Steve asked pulling her out her thoughts.

She closed her eyes and shook her head coming back to the present. "I'm here." She forcibly smiled looking at him.

Steve squinted his eyes at her with furrowed eyebrows indicating he hadn't believed her.

Once everyone finished eating, they decided to spend the day the beach. "Guys the boardwalk is this way!" Scott shouted to the group behind him as he read the beach sign.

Stas walked behind the group with Steve at her side. Wanda walked to the back to be with her as the group continued walking and chatting.

"Can I steal her for a second?" Wanda smiled to Steve. He smiled as he creased his eyebrows. "Sure, why not."

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