"who's ready to PARTAYYY"

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Anastasia had set her alarm for 6:30am. She was ecstatic about no more bed rest and about the day she knew was ahead. The classic I phone alarm started to ring.

She quickly unwrapped Steve's arm from her waist and picked up her head from his chest. She turned over and stopped the alarm.

"Yes!" She cried out. "What the hell is happening?" Steve said rubbing his eyes and yawning. She sits up and looks at Steve.

"What's happening? Today I get out of this stupid bed and walk around!! I go shopping and get ready for the party!!"

Stretching, he looks over at Stas who clearly couldn't be happier. "You had to set the alarm for this early? I wanted to sleep. I was pretty comfortable, you know."

"No way. This bed isn't comfortable at all." "True. But I had you next to me." "She blushed and grinned.

The moment was soon interrupted by Wanda, Nat and Peter who were shouting excitedly. "Stassie!! Get up!! Get up!!" They rushed through the door and saw the two people in bed already awake.

"You're up!! Now c'mon, let's get you out of there." Peter added. "Yes please!" "Let me call Bruce for some help." Nat stated.

Minutes later, Bruce come in with a grin. "You ready, kid?" "Trust me. She's been ready. The alarm on her phone practically told me." Steve joked.

"I know this is exciting but in order for you to leave this bed, I'm gonna have to take some wires and tubes out. It's gonna hurt. I don't wanna sugarcoat it." Fear entered her eyes. How did she not think of that part?

Steve quickly noticed she was frightened. He offered his hand to her and she grabbed it with anticipation of the pain. "I got you." Bruce began to gently take out the tubes at her side and wires that connected to the machines.

She winced in pain and grunted trying not to scream. Steve took his free hand and caressed her head. "I know. I know. Shh"

Nat, Wanda and Peter felt horrible as they watched their best friend in pain. However when they witnessed the moment of Steve helping Stassie through it, they couldn't help but smile.

There was no denying the two had strong feelings for one another.

As the process was over, Bruce asked Stassie to stand so he could check her wound. Steve stood up first holding her as they moved the hospital gown to check her injury.

To Bruce's surprise, it was healing perfectly and rapidly. "You're all set kid. It looks great." He said placing the gauze back on it.

"Go have fun today, I'll see you tonight." She hugged Bruce and said "Thank you. Really. I couldn't have gone through this without you."

Stas looked at her three friends, grinned and scrunched her nose. "Who's ready to PARTAYYY!!" They all shouted and screamed in joy. "Oh my god. There's four of them." Steve said covering his still half asleep ears.

Bruce heard what Steve said and laughed before patting him on the back and walking out the room. 

The excitement quieted down but didn't die down. Stas looked over at Steve. "I'm gonna go get ready to leave and spend today with them, okay? I'll see you.."

"Later. Definitely. You're my date, remember?" He finished her sentence. "Of course." She blushed. She took her hand and rubbed the side of his face. "I'll see you later."

"Aww" Wanda filled the room. "Okay okay. Let's go guys." Stas pushed her friends out the room and entered the hallway.

They began to question her. "Does anything hurt? Do you need help? We can carry you! Make sure you don't fall over for anything!" Overwhelmed but smiling she looks at her three worried friends.

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